Saturday, September 28

Kevin Durant and Mike Conley win Oscars as producers

By: Writing

The stars of the NBA, Kevin Durant , the Brooklyn Nets and Mike Conley of the Utah Jazz were consecrated with an Oscar for his participation as executive producers of “Two Distant Strangers” , awarded as Best Short Film at the Awards of the Academia.

The film dramatizes police brutality as an inescapable time loop as a tragic “Groundhog Day” for African Americans.

Big time !! Congrats @ TwoDistantFilm

– Kevin Durant (@ KDTrey5)

April 26, 2021

The film was directed by Martin Desmond Roe and Travon Free , a former player of college basketball at Long Beach State.

Durant wrote on his Twitter: Big! congratulations , quoting Thirty Five Ventures, after Free and Roe accepted the Oscar.