Monday, September 30

Initiative against Gavin Newsom advances. There are already enough signatures to call elections in California

Moving forward, this will be the second time in history that the governor of the richest state in the US has faces a recall. In the previous one, he ended with the victory of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Avanza iniciativa contra Gavin Newsom. Ya hay firmas suficientes para convocar elecciones en California
Newsom was chosen as governor at 2018 with more than one 60% of the votes.

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images


In California , stronghold of the Democratic Party in the United States, The governor is in trouble.

The California Secretary of State’s office announced Monday that enough valid signatures have been collected -1.6 million (100. 000 more than necessary) – as if Gavin Newsom had to undergo a recall referendum at the end of the year.

If it goes ahead, this will be the second time in history that the governor of the richest state in the United States has faces such a process.

The last time it happened was in 2003, when then-Governor Gray Davis was removed from power by this mechanism , being replaced by the Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger , the Last Republican to hold office.

The campaign to remove Newsom was initially driven by conservative activists and supporters of former President Trump, but now has the support of the Republican Party and of disgruntled citizens “of all the spectrum political”, as stated by Orrin Heatlie, who filed the petition.

The management of the pandemic

At the center of the campaign to remove Newsom is his alleged mismanagement of the coronavirus pandemic, with the total closure of schools and businesses for months.

Criticism increased last November, when it was learned that the governor had He had been dining at an expensive restaurant to celebrate the birthday of one of his advisers, while urging citizens to stay home, something for which he apologized.

He has also been questioned about the process of distribution and administration of vaccines in California.

Newsom has insisted that this is a “challenge” to your policies progressives and this Monday he spoke on Twitter: “This call for recall by Republicans threatens our values ​​and seeks to undo the important progress we have made.”

“Since fight covid – 19 to help families who are going through difficulties, protect the environment, approve logical solutions to avoid gun violence, ”he continued .

Un hombre firma una petición para llamar a un referendo revocatorio contra el gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom. Febrero de 2021.
The leaders is from the campaign to impeach Newsom they claim that people from across the political spectrum have signed their petition.

It will not be easy

Newsom was the egido for the office of Governor on 201 8

with more than one 60% of votes and previously served as Mayor of San Francisco .

Experts agree that it will be difficult for the governor of California to leave power.

From according to polls cited by the newspaper Los Angeles Times , only the 40% of California voters support impeachment of “one of the most prominent and politically ambitious Democrats in the nation.”

California authorities have not yet formally approved the recall referendum or set a date for it .

Unless a significant number of signatures are withdrawn or invalidated in the next 30 days, the referendum must be held.

Among the Republicans who have expressed their intention to run for governor of California is Olympic champion and reality star Caitlyn Jenner.

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