Sunday, September 29

Have you lost a lot of weight inadvertently?

If you have lost a lot of weight inadvertently suddenly and without any specific cause, it may be a sign of a medical condition.

Regulation of body weight

In the body there are a variety of regulatory systems that help to conserve the body weight at a certain point.

Regulatory systems that include neurotransmitters (catecholamines, norepinephrine, and dopamine) in the brain and govern feeding activities in response to signals.

These neurotransmitters mediate the activity of hypothalamic areas that govern eating behavior and help maintain a specific body weight in non-obese people.

However, when there are sudden changes in body weight, especially without apparent cause and there is a significant loss of weight, it is important to evaluate that is happening.

Losing how much weight, could be indicative of some disease

If you lose more than 5% of your weight in a period of time from six months to a year without having proposed it, a medical check-up is recommended, especially if you were already below your “ideal” weight or if you are an older adult.

If, for example, you weigh 150 l ibras (68 kg) and you’ve lost around of 7.5 pounds (3.4 kg) which is 5%. Or if you weigh 150 pounds and lose 9 pounds (4 kg ).

In general, a person’s body weight is affected by the calories they consume in their diet, by the physical activity they perform, by age, by your appetite or changes in diet, your emotions, your health, especially if it is affected by the absorption of nutrients.

Or by consumption of some medications that may affect appetite or cause changes in taste or smell. Other causes that can indirectly affect body weight are economic and social factors.

Sometimes it is not so easy to detect why you are losing weight unexpectedly and there may be several related factors. First see how low you are according to the body mass index (BMI) indicator, you could be within “normal” parameters.

Always go to your doctor in a timely manner will help detect the cause and its possible diagnosis, especially if it is accompanied by certain laboratory tests, physical examination and a detailed review from your medical history.

What diseases could be related to losing weight?

Some diseases could have a direct or indirect relationship that causes weight loss:

– Cancer.

– Celiac disease.

– Crohn’s disease.

– Ulcerative colitis.

– Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

– Thyroid problems.

– Liver diseases.

– Depression

– Diabetes.


– Parkinson’s disease.

– Chronic kidney failure.

– Bulimia and Anorexia nervosa, among others.

  • My daughter says she is fat. I disagree. Will he have anorexia?

It is important to be under medical surveillance once the diagnosis has been detected and its follow-up in terms of weight variability and how it is affecting nutritional status.

As well as a personalized eating plan to stabilize body weight or regain lost weight. In some cases, comprehensive multidisciplinary medical treatment is required.

If your health is good and there are only a few pounds that you have lost you can enter to obtain a balanced personalized eating plan to gain weight in a healthy way and make your records and weekly progress.

MyDiet App available at Android and in iOS .