Monday, September 30

El Niño Prodigy Horoscope April 27, 2021

El Niño Prodigy gives us his predictions for the 12 Zodiac signs in your daily horoscope. Check what the stars have in store for you

Horóscopo de El Niño Prodigio 27 de abril de 2021
The Child Prodigy.

Photo: Courtesy



03 / 21 – 04 / 19

Today you can move forward with all the procedures related to banks, credit cards, mortgages and inheritance issues. Certain tensions could arise with your partner or partner in relation to money because you will be very cautious and thrifty. Don’t make hasty decisions.


03 / 19 – 05 / 19

If you are in a relationship, you may receive complaints since you have been acting a bit selfish lately. So if you love your partner, listen to him with an open heart and make amends for your mistakes. If you are single, pay attention because you have a hidden admirer.


05 / 21 – 06 / 20

If you feel physical discomfort, it may be because you are not adequately purifying your body or that at night sleep is not fulfilling its function restorative. Doing yoga could help you balance both physically and emotionally.


6 / 22 – 7 / 20

In group activities you will assume a somewhat challenging role since you will move from according to your own impulses and you will not join what the majority imposes. I suggest you express your opinion honestly but avoid being hurtful.


08 / 21 – 08 / 21

Today you might feel a bit overloaded with responsibilities. You will occupy a very relevant place in the family scene and you will have the last word when making decisions. And although it will be difficult to find someone to cover your back, you will keep everything under control.


08 / 22 – 09 / 23

You are in a very expansive moment in which a trip or a job opportunity could arise. If you want to try your luck in another region, I recommend that you take the opportunity to move forward with the procedures and speed things up.


10 / 22 – 09 / 22

If you are considering the possibility of making an important investment this will be an opportune moment because you will have the support you need . When negotiating, I suggest that you follow a strategy and do not act out of the blue. Stand firm in your position.


10 / 23 – 11 / 23

Your desire to be in control could generate tensions with your partner, your partner and the different people who are part of your life. Remember that drastic attitudes are not usually the best coexistence tactics. Respect the choices of others.


12 / 26 – 12 / 20

The efforts you make every day could wear you out. That is why I recommend that between activity and activity you give yourself a break and a margin of rest. Meditating, praying or doing yoga will help you get out of the routine scheme that exhausts you so much.


12 / 20 – 01 / 19

It will be a special day for you to connect with what you are most passionate about and for you to bet on your dreams. The people around you will be interested in your projects and will give you very useful input. You will be much more sociable and participatory.


01 / 20 – 03 / 18

You will take a place of command within of your family scheme and you will have to answer for the welfare of other people. These will be times when you might feel a bit pressured. I suggest you act according to a plan to minimize the margins of error.


02 / 19 – 03 / 20

You go through a moment when you feel quite restless and curious. In addition, you will be in contact with people who will share your interests and encourage you to learn about different topics. If you have the opportunity to travel or study, do not reject it.

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