Saturday, September 28

The pandemic exhausted thousands of employees, learn what companies will do to reverse what happened

A survey conducted by Indeed reveals that the pandemic has exacerbated employee burnout in the past year. Half of workers feel exhausted and more than two-thirds say it has worsened over the course of the pandemic

La pandemia agotó a miles de empleados, conoce qué harán las empresas para revertir lo ocurrido
Young professionals have been the most affected. Nearly 3 in 5 of millennials reported feeling exhausted.

Photo: Shutterstock


More companies are offering additional time off and more vacation flexibility for their white-collar workers who are experiencing increasing burnout from the pandemic.

A survey conducted by Indeed reveals that the pandemic has exacerbated employee burnout in the past year. Half of workers feel exhausted and more than two-thirds say it has worsened over the course of the pandemic.

Young professionals have been the most affected. Almost 3 out of 5 (80%) of millennials reported feeling exhausted , in front of 53% before the pandemic. Gen Z ranks second with a 58% reporting exhaustion, versus 47% on 2020.

Against this background, firms such as LinkedIn and The New York Times announced more days off to combat burnout, joining Google and Facebook, than at the beginning of the pandemic provided workers with mental health days .

Rue Dooley, SHRM’s HR knowledge advisor, stated that “employers are doing all kinds of things to create solutions for the exhaustion factor. ”

The epxerta maintains that This phenomenon is not new , but the pandemic and all the social unrest in recent years that have occurred in the country, “they have certainly exacerbated the problem.”

LinkedIn gave to your almost 22, 900 employees one week off during the Easter holidays. The New York Times announced an initiative called Global Days Off, which gives employees three additional days off this year in addition to his vacation days.

According to CNN , the objective of Global Days Off “is to create some moments to have a break, since we have just gone through a period that has produced a feeling of exhaustion “.

From According to human resources experts, many companies may begin to emulate these types of actions now that they are doing more notorious return to face-to-face activities .

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