Saturday, September 21

“Sowing life”: what is the program with which AMLO proposes stopping migration from Central America and what results has it had in Mexico

The president of Mexico proposed this week an unusual strategy to confront the phenomenon of migration from Central America: planting trees.

At the World Leaders Summit on Climate, Andrés Manuel López Obrador asked Joe Biden to replicate his program Sembrando Vida in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

This is one of the central projects of the Mexican president’s management, in which inhabitants of rural areas receive an income in exchange for sowing and take care of trees in their plots.

“In this they work 450. 000 peasants who receive a wage of 5. 000 monthly pesos ”, a os US $ 400, AMLO exposed this Thursday to the other world leaders at the virtual summit convened by Biden.

Considered that, by employing Central American inhabitants, the caravans of thousands of Central Americans seeking to reach the United States can be avoided.

Biden that his government could offer temporary work visas, residence permits or nationality to those who work in this program for several years in their countries.

“The migratory phenomenon, as we all know, is not resolved with coercive measures, but with justice and well-being,” said AMLO.

López Obrador escuchando el mensaje de Joe Biden
López Obrador participated from Mexico City in the virtual summit on climate change convened by Joe Biden.

Biden did not immediately offer an answer to the proposal.

But in a chat with journalists the day before, On Wednesday, an official considered it unlikely that the US government could take up a proposal like this: “From our point of view, is not a conversation about migration. It is a conversation about climate change “.

” It does not sound like something that has any opportunity to talk extensively between Mexico and the United States, “he said.

For experts in migration policies such as Giovanni Peri, however, it is a proposal that must be valued.

“This would generate the appropriate framework and long-term perspective for a plan, instead of managing emergencies, and it can positively affect all three economies, ”said the director of the Center for Global Migration, University of California-Davis.

What is Sembrando Vida?

After assuming the government in 2018, the Mexican president put underway Sembrando Vida as one of the priority programs of his government -with US $ 1. 400 millions on 2021 – by having a dual purpose .

On the one hand, fight poverty through the employment of people disadvantaged from rural areas. On the other, combat climate change through reforestation of regions that suffer environmental damage.

The objective is that for 2024 have been sown a million hectares of timber, fruit and spice trees.

Varios adultos en el programa Sembrando Vida
According to the government of Mexico, more than 400. 10 people are part of the Sembrando Vida en 20 states of the country.

Each participates Before the program receives until US $ 250 per month for doing the sowing, care and harvesting tasks. Hundreds of technicians who guide the farmers are also employed, who must take care of an area of 2.5 hectares each.

Various Reforestation experts and organizations have pointed out that this program is one of the most important efforts in the field that have been made in Mexico in recent governments.

“The initiative is very good,” he tells BBC Mundo the ecologist Horacio Paz, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

However, independent organizations have not been able to verify how effective it has been due to lack of program information. And experts also warn that can put at risk to the environment itself whom it seeks to help.

Has it produced results?

The government assures that they have been planted 700 million plants , managed by around 450. 000 participants of the program.

Your budget has been doubled to add to almost 200. 000 beneficiaries more than 2019.

In Central America, projects of Sowing Life in Honduras and El Salvador, after agreements between López Obrador and his colleagues Juan Orlando Hernández and Nayib Bukele, respectively.

López Obrador en la Cumbre de Líderes Mundiales sobre Clima
López Obrador described his program as “a successful experience.”

However, its environmental results are difficult to monitor, says the World Resources Institute (WRI) which last month submitted a first independent evaluation of the program.

“Sembrando Vida does not have as a priority objective the forest restoration and neither does reforestation”, says WRI Mexico in its report, but it is “a productivity strategy” in poor areas to “reactivate the local economy.”

“The analysis carried out by WRI Mexico, although it is not conclusive due to the lack of access The information and coordinates of the plots clearly shows that the program had a negative impact on the coverage forest fires and compliance with the country’s carbon mitigation goals during its first year of implementation. ”

According to their analysis, the program“ could have encouraged a loss of forest cover of 72 . 830 hectares during the first year of operation (2019) ”.

Risks when “sowing life”

The administration of the program is in charge of the Ministry of Welfare, which fights poverty , and not by the Ministry of the Environment, which makes experts fear that many decisions are taken without taking into account the specialists in environmental matters.

Un vivero del programa Sembrando Vida
Cedar, mahogany and pine are some As of the timber species that are planned to be planted, but these species are not suitable for any environment.

“ The most important problem of not planning is that the selection of species that is used to reforest is not adequate “, explains the ecologist Horacio Paz.

” A good part of the reforestation efforts fail because of this. And a very, very high percentage of planted plants die “, adds the expert from the Mexican Institute for Research on Ecosystems and Sustainability.

The Sowing Life catalog, says the government, includes 128 species.

“The varieties will be those according to the vocation of the soil, the climate, but also the culture. This program is serving to rescue native species ”, he explained to BBC Mundo in 2018 Secretary María Luisa Albores, a few months after launching the project.

López Obrador has said that his program respects technical forestry knowledge, but has highlighted the “wisdom of the people” as the basis for managing reforestation .

Una gráfica de tipos de árboles
Experts say that it is very important to know how to select the type of tree to reforest each ecosystem based on its characteristics.

Another problem pointed out by specialists is that planting trees where there were previously no forests in a natural way can damage existing ecosystems.

“When trees are adults, there are effects on the ecosystem. There comes the second big problem “, explains the ecologist Horacio Paz.

” If we do not select these species well in terms of what function they have in the ecosystem, it will be difficult for us to improve the processes of the ecosystem, “he adds. .

In a matter of combating climate change, well-planned reforestation with knowledge of the environment helps to reduce the burden of CO2 in the environment. But not all species capture and store carbon in the same way , and there is even a risk of a counterproductive effect.

“In a very short time you are going to have carbon back into the atmosphere, because plants die, decompose and carbon is released “, poses Paz as another challenge.

” If you want to have long-term warehouses , it is better to have plants that photosynthesize slowly, but live longer, that can keep the carbon they have captured in their body ”, he adds.

Nayib Bukele y López Obrador
Central Americans are being employed in the Mexican state of Chiapas, on the border with Guatemala, in the Sembrando Vida program

And with the progress of the program, environmentalists have warned that There are peasants who deforest their lands to enroll them in the program and receive the economic benefits.

That is, there is damage to the environment in addition to the already

The immigration proposal

In its intervention in the climate summit, López Obrador focused his proposal to expand Sembrando Vida to the US government offering financing and migratory rewards.

“We assume our economic responsibility and commit to help in the productive and social organization, and you, President Biden, could finance the Sembrando Vida program in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, ”said the president.

From his perspective, it would be possible to sow 3.000 million trees and generate 1. 200. Jobs .

To the Since these three countries are the largest generators of migrants to the United States in the region, AMLO considers that the United States “could offer” those who work the land for three consecutive years a temporary work visa.

And after “another three or four years”, that they obtain “until the residence in the USA or their dual nationality”:

Nayib Bukele y López Obrador
On 2019, the President López Obrador agreed with the president of El S alvador, Nayib Bukele, take his program to that country.

For Giovanni Peri, this plan may be viable if there is a commitment of the parties.

“As an expert in migration, I would say that there is a very solid economic and human logic in the idea to create work visas for Central Americans to work in the United States and this would clearly reduce the pressure on illegal immigration ”, he tells BBC Mundo.

“The combination of a sustainability objective and a migration objective is also interesting, since can give the appropriate incentives to the countries of origin and would promote collaboration between the receiving country and the sending country, which is necessary to solve the problem of unaccompanied minors and overcrowding at the US-Mexico border ”, he adds.

However, analyst Ariel Ruiz, from the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), warns that initiatives such as Sembrando Vida have yet to prove their effectiveness.

“By themselves, these programs would not reduce migratory flows in the short term. The implementation and evaluation of Sembrando Vida in Mexico is still in progress in southern Mexico and Central America and, as a result, it is too early to quantify its impact on migratory flows, ”he says.

“In the short term, the expansion of existing US channels, such as the H-2A and H-2B programs, could provide more rapid alternatives for regular migration from Central America.”

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