Friday, September 20

More than 80 dead leave explosion in hospital in Baghdad; Pope Francis prays for the victims

Más de 80 muertos deja explosión en un hospital en Bagdad; Papa Francisco reza por las víctimas

Iraqis carry the coffin of a relative who died during the explosion at the Ibn Al-Khatib hospital.

Photo: AHMAD AL-RUBAYE / AFP / Getty Images

An explosion caused by the blasting oxygen tanks at Al Khatib hospital southeast of Baghdad, Iraq, has left a balance of dead and dozens of injured.

“The balance is 82 dead and 120 wounded of varying degrees, ”said the ministerial spokesman, Khaled al Mhana, in statements to Iraqi television Al Ijbariya confirmed by the official INA news agency.

Members of the Iraqi security forces guard Ibn Al-Khatib Hospital in Baghdad, after explosion (Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE / AFP via Getty Images).

The Iraqi agency INA said that, according to early investigations, the fire could have been caused by a short circuit or po r the explosion of oxygen tanks in poor condition.

According to reports from the Iraqi authorities, the incident that occurred early this Sunday in this hospital where patients are treated COVID – , at the time of the explosion those affected suffered severe burns while others jumped from several floors to flee the flames.

In social networks circulates a video showing the exact moment of the explosion. In the images it is observed how people in one of the corridors of the hospital run when they hear the noise caused by the impact of the explosion.

Iraq: Video qui montrerait the moment of the explosion of bouteilles d’oxygène à l’intérieur de l’hôpital Ibn Al- Khatib dans la capitale, Bagdad et qui a fait au moins 23 morts. ElLX

– Rebecca Rambar (@RebeccaRambar) April 25, 2021

The Ministry of Health indicated in a statement that more than 200 patients had been rescued from the building while the number of deaths could increase due to the severity of the injuries of some of the injured.

# Iraq In a Baghdad hospital at least 30 patients hospitalized with Covid, lost their lives due to the explosion of oxygen tubes. Hours later, an old man was found still alive. Info @ radiogonnet # LaPlata FB

– Gonnet’s Diary (@GonnetDigital) April 25, 2812786

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al Kazemi , said in another statement that he had asked for results on investigations of this tragedy in 24 hours and that those responsible be punished during an emergency meeting with several of their ministers and security officials.


55 killed in an explosion in a hospital in #Irak

The explosion was caused by the explosion of oxygen cylinders inside from Al Jatib Hospital, Baghdad, killed at least 55 people.

This hospital is for coronary patients. @ motoreco_ok l

– La Nave Comunica 2 (@ LaNaveComunica2) April 25, 2021

The Ministry of the Interior has ruled out that an action is suspected intentional behind this incident, to Although Al Kazemi assured that one could not speak of human error but of “criminal” negligence.

Don’t let anyone tell me it was due to a power failure, it’s a shame “, he added in reference to one of the first hypotheses that has circulated about the cause that caused the explosion of the oxygen tanks.

Before the unfortunate accident, the Iraqi Government decided to temporarily suspend his functions and to submit to an investigation the Minister of Health, Hasan Mohamed Abas, by the explosion.

During an extraordinary session of the Council of Ministers it was decided “to withdraw confidence in the Minister of Health and refer him to an investigation,” the press office reported in a statement. of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa al Kazemi.

#International | At least 19 people died in a fire in an intensive care unit for covid patients – 19 in Baghdad, Iraq, have reported international media. Apparently the same beginning after the explosion of an oxygen tank. Video courtesy @ eSPAINews 9WI7DX0egx

– 100. 9 NEWS (@ 800 NoticiasSV) April 24, 2021

For his part, Pope Francis, from the window of the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican, asked for a prayer for the victims of the explosion.

I am close to the victims of the fire of a hospital for COVID patients in Baghdad, until now 82 dead, let us pray for everyone ”, he said before keeping a moment of silence and after the prayer of the Regina Coeli, that replaces the Angelus at Easter time.

Al Khatib Hospital, located southeast of Baghdad, Iraq, has medical facilities with a capacity of 120 beds and was assigned to attend exclusively to coronavirus patients.

With information from EFE.

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