Thursday, September 19

Caro Quintero's ex-wife and children are “pardoned” by the United States

The ex-wife and children of drug trafficker Rafael Caro Quintero, alias the Narco de Narcos identified as: María Elizabeth Elenes Lerma , Héctor Rafael , Roxana Elizabeth , Henoch Emilio , Mario Yibran , and Gibran Expensive Elenes , were removed from the “black list” of the Office of Foreign Assets Control ( OFAC, of ​​the Department of the Treasury of States , after seven years of being in it.

In the most recent update of the “list of the file of specially designated persons – according to the Law of Designation of Foreign Ringleaders (Kingpin Law) – “, the first wife and children of Caro Quintero , appear in the section: the following records were removed, reported the Mexican weekly Zeta .

Ex-wife and children, as well as Caro Quintero’s companies are eliminated from the EU’s ‘black list’ 93 LIM via @ ZETATijuana

– ZETA Tijuana (@ZETATijuana) April 24, 2021

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It was the 12 June 2013 when the Department of the US Treasury , on the website of the OFAC , in addition to the children and the ex-wife of the drug trafficker , were designated 18 people and 15 companies related to Poster from Sinaloa (CDS) and the Cartel of Guadalajara and they were accused of “being part of a network of relatives and front men of Expensive Quintero , to invest his fortune in companies posing as legitimate and real estate projects in Guadalajara , capital of the state of Jalisco .

The director of OFAC Adam Szubin at that time pointed out that with the help of the Mexican authorities, the US Government continued “to target drug traffickers, laundering their ill-gotten gains, and those who help them in their illicit activities.”

Denisse Buenrostro Villa , Humberto Vargas Correa and pointed towards the brothers surname Sánchez Garza , Sánchez Beard and Sánchez González , related to Caro Quintero and with Juan José Esparragoza Moreno , alias el Azul , so on that occasion they were also bulletins .

Caro Quintero, together with Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo , alias the Godfather, and Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo , aka Don Net , founded the Guadalajara Cartel in the years 80 ‘s.

This decision contrasts with the order of a court of New York that requested the confiscation of five real estate owned by Car or Quintero , considered the most wanted fugitive by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA 15 last April, this despite not having jurisdiction in Mexico.

According to an order of the judge Eric Vitaliano , District East of New York , the properties , which are located in the city of Guadalajara and its surroundings, were bought with funds generated by the drug trafficking carried out by Caro Quintero .

In addition, the Department of State of USA offers a reward of $ 20 million dollars for information that may lead to his arrest.

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