Friday, September 20

ICE will no longer impose fines on immigrants who fail to comply with exit orders

ICE cancels Trump’s policy of fining immigrants who disobey deportation orders

ICE ya no impondrá multas a inmigrantes que no cumplan órdenes de salida
The fines for not obeying deportations were unpayable.

Photo: Aurelia Ventura / Real America News



The Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE) announced this Friday that will no longer impose fines on illegal immigrants who have not complied with exit orders, the Administration of former President Donald Trump (2017 – 2021), applying charges closely half a million dollars.

The Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, indicated in a statement that ICE, an agency under its control, can “enforce our immigration laws without resorting to ineffective and unnecessary punitive measures.”

He also highlighted that “there is no indication that these sanctions promoted compliance ”Of the exit orders imposed on immigrants.

ICE began issuing fines for incu Execute exit orders to immigrants who were in sanctuary during the Trump administration . Upon receiving an exit order, immigrants must report to ICE to be deported.

The Mexican Edith Espinal received in July 2019 a fine of $ 497, 777 dollars for not complying An order issued in September 2018.

The An immigrant, mother of three, had taken refuge in the Mennonite Church in Columbus (Ohio) in October of 2017 to avoid his deportation. The Mexican fought a strong battle against the United States government over the fine that was finally canceled after the pressure of the lawyer Lizbeth Mateo and other advocates for immigrants.

Is pinal received another fine for almost $ 60, 000 dollars last year, which according to Mateo is still in force.

“It is good news that this practice is stopped. However, it is necessary to make a change in the law that allows the Government to use these fines, because that possibility is still in force “, warned Mateo.

The lawyer also explained that does not know what will happen to the fine of almost $ 60 , 000 dollars that Espinal still faces, like other immigrants who were in sanctuary.

“So far we have not been informed that the Government has rescinded the fine,” he stated.

In the statement he warns that ICE has “the intention of work with the Treasury Department ”to cancel the existing debts of those who had been fined.

ICE also clarified that although for more than 20 years has had the authority to impose sanctions s financial services, the agency did not start the application of the same until 2018.

From 20 of January of 2021 (when Joe Biden assumed the Presidency of the United States), the ICE stopped issuing these fines, in accordance with the new government policy to focus the agency in detaining immigrants who pose the greatest risk to national and public security.