Sunday, November 24

The importance of recognizing a stroke due to clots

The brain is perhaps the most fascinating organ in the human body, neurons are the cells that make up the brain and give us the ability to see, hear, think, move, feel, among many other things.

Here is a brief description of strokes, the risk factors for developing a stroke and how to detect when someone may be having a stroke to immediately contact a emergency service.

To perform its functions, the brain must use a lot of energy and oxygen. However, when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain is insufficient, the brain tissue stops working properly and then dies.

When a person suffers an ischemic stroke, their brain reacts in the manner described above.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that each 40 seconds a person suffers from a cerebral infarction or “stroke” .

Cerebral infarctions or Stroke (CVA) commonly known as embolism or strokes are a set of pathologies caused by an altered flow of blood to the brain.

  • Embolism due to thrombi or clots

Types of cerebral infarcts

– Ischemic

It is the most common, it represents up to 80% of cerebral infarcts. In this type of heart attack, one or more arteries are blocked so there is no blood flow, the brain tissue suffers from a lack of oxygenation.

– Hemorrhagic

Less common but more lethal, in this type of heart attack a portion of the artery ruptures, the blood that leaves the artery is irrigated and the flow of blood to certain areas decreases.

– Transitory

This type of heart attack occurs temporarily, the symptoms are perceived briefly and is common that occurs on more than one occasion, it is important to detect and treat it to avoid further events or an acute ischemic infarction.

Risk factors for stroke

Cerebral infarcts are considered a disease c cardiovascular disease, advanced age, poorly controlled hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and tobacco smoking are factors of risk important to develop a heart attack.

The goal of heart attack treatment is to maintain oxygenation of brain tissue and preserve blood flow , for this there are several techniques and medications that are used in the hospital setting.

Warning signs of a cerebral infarction

It is vitally important to recognize the signs of a cerebral infarction , through these symptoms: FAST (for its acronym in English).

F ace drooping”

-Falling or tilting of some half of the face, if asked to smile, the smile is tilted.

.) – A rm weakness ”

Weakness or numbness of an arm.

S peech problems ”

The person is slurring, cannot speak or has trouble speaking.

– “ T ime to call 911 ”

If the person suffers from any of these problems, it is time to call 96, even if they have already disappeared.

It is useful to record the time at which the symptoms began to use the doctors.

The term FAST serves to emphasize the importance of speed of medical care, as well as a way of remembering that symptoms occur abruptly .