Friday, September 20

People with Borderline Personality Disorder reject statements by Alejandra Guzmán

The Community of People with Borderline Personality Disorder in Mexico shares a statement in which they reject that said condition is the cause of the strong accusations of child sexual abuse that Frida Sofía made, for which she has been labeled a mythomaniac

Personas con Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad rechazan declaraciones de Alejandra Guzmán
Frida Sofía.

Photo: Archive / Reform Agency

Rocío García

Last monday 19 April during an interview with the Mexican journalist Adela Micha , Alejandra Guzmán faced the scandal following the accusations of Frida Sofía , and as he rarely addressed various issues, one of them the disorder that was detected in his daughter when she was 12 years.

The singer shared that since her first-born daughter was born, she has always tried to give her the best, even one of the best schools in the United States paid her where was detected Border Personality, or Borderline Personality Disorder (BTL) .

“I remember later a few years ago I had to send Firda to a school because they tried to kidnap her and she had barely 12 years , I took her to the best school which was Romsey Homeschool in which during the last year he was diagnosed with Border Personality . ”

Ensuring that From that moment on she received a series of treatments, therapies and was even medicated:

“At that time I went to school and a therapist told me about this condition and since then I have tried to help Frida, to keep her on medication , but sometimes we did not finish the therapy, it has been very difficult “, he added.

After these statements, The Community of People with Borderline Personality Disorder in Mexico released a statement in which they reject that this condition is the cause of the strong accusations of child sexual abuse that he made Frida Sofía , for which he has been labeled a mythomaniac.

“The Community of People with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or “Borderline” Mexico, we decided to speak out and make public our position regarding to the statements made by Alejandra Guzmán and her family about the diagnosis of Limited Personality of Frida Sofía “, it reads in the first lines.

Contrary to what the influencer’s family has pointed out, community members assure that one One of the triggers for this condition could be abuse in childhood, be it sexual, psychological or both.

“We want to make public opinion that within known symptoms of BPD do not highlight “mythomania” or tendency to lie. That most of the people who suffer from this personality disorder, we have stories of abuse in childhood, whether physical, psychological and / or sexual abuse, this being one of the factors that contribute to the development of this disease “, they describe.

Finally, they asked not to omit a confession as serious as child abuse that comes from a person with this condition: “Wanting to use the BPD diagnosis to discredit a complaint abuse, not only hurts and re-victimizes both people who have suffered abuse, but also the people we live with. a diagnosis of BPD , contributing to the stigma and contributing to the misinformation of the disorder. ”

Finally, they expressed their support for Frida Sofía and categorically rejected the statements of his family in which they dismissed his statements.

We point out and reject the use of our condition as “evidence” against the statements of abuse, and we make public our support for Frida Sofía “.