Friday, September 20

Enrique Guzmán initiates lawsuit against his granddaughter Frida Sofía

The singer’s legal representative shared a statement with which he confirmed that the start of the lawsuit against the daughter of Alejandra Guzmán

Enrique Guzmán inicia demanda en contra de su nieta Frida Sofía
Enrique Guzmán.

Photo: Miguel Larrauri / Reforma Agency

Agencia Reforma

The controversy between Enrique Guzmán and his granddaughter , Frida Sofía , took legal overtones, as the singer published a statement in which he stated that he had already initiated a legal process against her.

The movement occurred days after the daughter of Alejandra Guzmán accused the interpreter of “Tu Cabeza en mi Hombro” in an interview for a broadcast television program national fingering when she was a minor.

Was the criminal lawyer Marco López in charge of publicizing the criminal action of Enrique .

Don Enri that Guzmán has instructed me to make public that, today, he has filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office for the Investigation of the Crime of Family Violence, dependent on the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City “, reads the first part of the statement.

The complaint was filed against Frida “N” and who or those who are responsible for their probable participation in acts that appear to be a crime to the detriment of Mr. Enrique Guzmán “, detailed the legal representative.

The patriarch of the Guzmán family assured in recent days that he would seek to clear his name regardless of the fact that on this occasion his granddaughter was the main one involved, so in the same document he assured that he will seek the evidence to prove that he is innocent and that the accused makes the respective reparation of the damage caused made their statements.

The complaint is aimed at that the Public Ministry initiate an investigation to gather evidence that leads to the clarification of the facts, and where appropriate, the evidence data so that, in the appropriate procedural stage, the social representation supports the exercise of the criminal action , the accusation against the accused and l to comprehensive reparation of the damage to the victim “was added.

Even if Frida Sofía usually reacts immediately to the statements made by other family members, so far he has not commented on the matter after the publication of his grandfather, although he recently indicated that he would also seek legal action against the artist, whom in days past pointed out of ha have touched her private parts since she was 5 years old.

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