Tuesday, October 22

Why Alaska Will Give State Visitors Free Covid-19 Vaccination

In this part of the United States, the tourists who visit them will be vaccinated for free; The measure will not affect the population because the authorities indicate that they have a sufficient inventory of vaccines

Por qué Alaska vacunará gratis contra Covid-19 a los visitantes del estado
Alaska is an option to get the Covid vaccine – 19.

Photo: Pexels

The United States has been one of the countries that hit the coronavirus pandemic the hardest , but with its Mass vaccination campaign against Covid – 18 and the different stimulus checks progresses in his recovery process .

The tourism sector was one of the hardest hit, because with the confinement many activities were paralyzed and millions of jobs were lost. Now the state of Alaska, trying to revive its local economy, offers to vaccinate all tourists who want to enter this territory in North America.

Mike Dunleavy, governor of the state of Alaska, posted on his Twitter account that he was planning make an investment of $ 150 million dollars to create a campaign that attracts tourists and that contributes to the economic recovery of the place.

The weekend confirmed that the main attraction will be to offer visitors who come to its two main airports the Covid vaccine – 19 for free.

Prior to his message Governor Dunleavy stated that e his proposal will be offered primarily nationally, to encourage Americans to travel to that destination this summer .

In information published by the New York Post it was announced that the state is one of the least deaths from Coronavirus.

Also a couple of weeks ago the authorities announced that already had a sufficient vaccine inventory for most the population , so the campaign does not put the dose of the inhabitants at risk .

So Governor Dunleavy assures that they already have everything ready to receive people who are going to know the natural beauty of the state he governs.

The governor’s words were ratified by Heidi, Hedberg, Alaska Health Officer , who noted that s It will be from June 1 when this possibility opens for tourists , since the existence of a large reserve of doses of the antidote has been confirmed.

The authorities in the USA think that Alaska can be an attractive destination internationally if they finally carry out this plan , also it is not ruled out that other states may do so, since the vaccination rate in the United States is one of the highest in the world, with a 22% of the population that has already received a complete vaccination.

With information from Televisa and ABC

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