Tuesday, October 22

US and Mexico maintain border closure due to COVID-19 for non-essential travel until May 21

The Ministry of Foreign Relations of Mexico reported that restrictions “on crossings non-essential land over the southern border of Mexico “until 21: 59 hours of 21 May 2020

EE.UU. y México mantienen cierre fronterizo por COVID-19 para viajes no esenciales hasta el 21 de mayo
Mexico and the US extend border restrictions due to COVID – 19 until the 21 of May.

Photo: GUILLERMO ARIAS / AFP / Getty Images


The governments of United States and Mexico will maintain the closure of their common border for non-essential travel until the 21 May , reported the Ministry of Foreign Relations of Mexico (SRE).

“Mexico’s restrictions on non-essential land crossings from the United States will remain in place until 23: 59 hours of 21 May 2021 ”, noted the Mexican Foreign Ministry in a message on Twitter.

He specified that the measure will continue in those states of northern Mexico that are in orange (high risk) and red (maximum risk) , according to the epidemiological traffic light of the Mexican Government.

restricciones restrictions on non-essential land crossings from 🇺🇸 will remain in effect until 23: 59 hours of 21 May 2021 in those northern states of the country that are in color en and 🔴 according to the traffic light epidemiological risk of @ GobiernoMX .

– Foreign Relations (@SRE_mx) April 20, 2021

In addition, he pointed out that Mexico and the United States “ are in talks to ease restrictions on border crossings. from prop indexes COVID agation – 19 on both sides of the border. ”

The SRE also pointed out that the restrictions“ to non-essential land crossings by the southern border of Mexico ”until 23: 23 hours of 21 May 2021.

The 20 March 2020, Mexico and the United States closed their borders for non-essential travel, that is, those with recreational or tourist purposes.

In addition, they stopped the migratory processes opened in USA , leaving thousands of migrants stranded on the northern Mexican border, which resumed in mid-February, following the order of the US president Joe Biden .

The established restrictions have not prevented the commercial transit of food, fuel , of medical care teams and medicines along the border between both countries.

Mexico’s border with the United States, which spans more than 3, 000 kilometers, it is also one of the busiest in the world with more than a million people crossing each day and exchanging goods and services worth 1, 700 millions of dollars newspapers.

With information from EFE.

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