Sunday, September 22

They assure that Enrique Guzmán could spend up to 9 years in prison if it is proven that he committed sexual abuse

Law expert reveals what is the legal process that Alejandra Guzmán’s daughter will have to face before the Mexican authorities and in case of If the accusations are proven, your assailant could spend up to 9 years in prison

Frida Sofía.

Photo: Mezcalent

After confessing during a television program that Enrique Guzmán sexually abused her since I was 5 years old, Frida Sofía has decided to take legal action against her grandfather, who could even 9 years in prison if said accusations were proven.

This was announced by the magazine TV and Novels , who consulted the lawyer Cristian Acosta to explain the legal process that the daughter of Alejandra Guzmán before the Mexican authorities and if his accusations are proven how many years the alleged aggressor could reach in prison.

The specialist explained that because Frida Sofía was a minor when he suffered the abuse, the laws in Mexico allow a report to be made when the age of majority is reached, that is, she had until the year 2010. However, has passed more of the time established by which you will have to file your complaint with the Public Ministry and will be the one in charge of assessing the corresponding legislation.

She would have to make an appeal, then a direct amparo, go to the court of justice in Mexico City, if it was committed there; It is important to take into account where the alleged abuse was committed, because she has not revealed it “, explained the specialist.

He also clarified that because the alleged crime was committed by a relative, would aggravate the sentence which normally ranges from 2 to 7 years in prison.

“If the conduct was committed someone who is related, the crime is more serious, and in those cases the penalty is up to nine years in prison ”, he detailed.

Because more than 24 years, the damage would have to be verified by analyzing a series of tests: The most common are the “.

Regarding the age of the alleged aggressor, it also specified that, in the case of a older adult would be left in the hands of a judge, who in turn will determine if the sentence can be served in prison or by house arrest .

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