Monday, September 23

The details of the war that Demi Lovato started against a frozen yogurt shop

It all started when the singer accused the establishment of “triggering” her eating disorder and assured that she had an unpleasant experience

Los detalles de la guerra que inició Demi Lovato contra una tienda de yogur helado
Demi lovato.

Photo: Rich Fury / Getty Images

Demi Lovato has had an incredible year, just a month ago she premiered her where he spoke without filters about the overdose he suffered three years ago where almost lost his life . However, you are now facing a controversy with a yogurt shop , after ensuring that it had a bad experience in your establishment.

The problem started two days ago, when the actress of 28 years wrote in his Instagram story the bad time that happened in The Bigg Chill , a place that sells frozen yogurt . According to the singer, as a person recovering from an eating disorder it is extremely difficult to order on the spot, because the establishment offers tons of sugar-free and diet options . The singer also called the place “diet vultures.”

i legit cannot stand demi lovato. this restaurant is not the cause for ur triggers. sugar free cookies do not classify as “disordered eating” if ur in the right mindset. if ur not, then it’s not the restaurant’s fault. the way she PUBLICALLY called them out was so immature

– brittnay (@itsbrittnayyybi) April 24, 2021

To this, The Bigg Chill responded in their Instagram stories explaining that they offer this type of product to people with diabetes, vegans and those who have intolerance to certain ingredients. He also sent a direct message to the singer where they told her that the last 36 years have cared about their customers. “We are sorry that you found this offensive,” wrote the official account of the yogurt chain.

The interpreter of “Sober” was not happy with the response received and continued attacking to the chain through his Instagram. “Maybe they could make it clear that sugar-free options are for diabetics. The message is not clear and it is confusing, ”he wrote.

The next day he shared a video in which he explained that e was not attacking small businesses , but it was difficult for her to situation and raised his voice. In addition, he also recognized that he had reacted to a situation without having all the necessary information.

But the problem did not end there Well, despite the video in which the singer apologized and acknowledged that she had acted impulsively, the medium TMZ revealed the direct messages exchanged between the singer and the yogurt shop , which did not stop Demi very well.

“That publication is from 2016. We have not had those products in years, “writes the account in response to the image shared by the singer. “I’m sure I saw all the flavors,” Demi replied, “they don’t want to mess with me. They are wrong and the customer is always right “, continued the singer.

The revealed messages made the networks react to the way Lovato expressed herself which quickly made her a topic of conversation.

Reactions on social networks have not been left to wait, some celebrities like Jamila Jamil sided with the interpreter of “Dancing with the Devil”, however many users saw badly that Demi was after small businesses in the middle of a pandemic that has affected the economy of millions and criticized the exaggerated criticism of the singer for exploiting against this product.

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