Monday, September 23

Show moms who put their family before their career

Being a famous mom is not easy for that reason, some stars have chosen to leave their job to take care of their family, a luxury that not everyone can afford. This decision has been made by the most successful stars who do not regret anything. We leave you a list of some of them.

1. Ana Patricia Gámez

The driver and model of 33 years recently surprised his audience by announcing his decision to pause her career in television to dedicate herself to taking care of her family. She was having great success in Falling in love so the ad took us by surprise both his fans and his colleagues in the medium. Now many wonder who could take his place.

two. Sherlyn

After a pregnancy surrounded by speculations about who is the father of the child , the actress of 35 years she became the proud mother of André and now she is full of happiness. Although in February of this year he said that would return to soap operas as a villain , she decided to stay away from the media to live her pregnancy and even expressed her desire to return to college once her baby was born.

3. Jennifer Lopez

When were born the twins Emme and Max the current pause your run . Undoubtedly only a great artist like her could do this because after birth and three years without activity, in the 2011 released his album Love and it was a success.

4. Aracely Arámbula

The 46 actress currently follows triumphing in the artistic environment, however when he began his controversial relationship with Luis Miguel decided to dedicate himself completely to his family and thus, during the time in which his little ones Miguel and Daniel were born, he was without doing soap operas . La Chule returned to the small screen in the 2009 and since then not has stopped working.

5. Ludwika Paleta

In May of 2017 the twins of the actress were born already Although it had several projects on the horizon, the also producer of 42 years she decided that at that time the best thing would be to dedicate herself completely to her role as mother . That is why when his controversial series premiered last year his fans couldn’t wait to see his return.

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· “Falling in love”: Who will replace Ana Patricia Gámez?

· Ana Patricia Gámez: Famous people reacted to her resignation from television

· Ana Patricia Gámez answers if he will return to “Wake up America”