Tuesday, October 22

Pablo Moctezuma explodes and declares: “Alejandra Guzmán was giving Rivotril to Frida Sofía when she was three months old”

The father of the young singer assured that he is not a puncher, and that his fight with “the queen of rock” was because he saw what he was doing with his daughter

Pablo Moctezuma estalla y declara: “Alejandra Guzmán le estaba dando Rivotril a Frida Sofía a los tres meses de nacida”
Alejandra Guzmán

Photo: Mezcalent

On Monday 19 of April Alejandra Guzmán gave an interview to Adela Micha , and among other things assured that Pablo Moctezuma , -his daughter’s father Frida Sofía – he beat her, this being the reason for their separation more than of years. In response, the businessman did not remain silent, and responded to those accusations in the television program “First hand” , led by Gustavo Adolfo Infant .

At all times, Moctezuma denied be a beater: “I did not hit her … I defended myself from her … this woman has two beers and hits anyone … the only time she says it was the big beating… it’s because Alejandra… was giving Rivotril to Frida, three months old, drunk, and I said “Hey, what’s wrong with you? You’re crazy, you’re giving her a medicine where it says here for adults over 18 years””.

According to Pablo, this unleashed the fury of the queen of rock : “I snatched it from him, took it a belt in the face, like that, rocker, spikes, and that’s where the fight began … it’s not going there, these nonsense that Alejandra says … it makes me sad to see her there. It was funny when I was 25 years, 22 years, now I see her like that with a weird face and speaking like that, it’s no longer funny. And so sad that you don’t give your daughter the benefit of the doubt ”. Moctezuma also stated that “there is not a single couple that (Alejandra) has had that has not hit, stabbed, bit, assaulted or insulted. Point”.

They ensure that Enrique Guzmán could spend up to 9 years in prison if it is proven that he committed sexual abuse

Through tears, Alejandra Guzmán assures that her father is innocent of the accusations of Frida Sofía

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