Monday, September 23

“Castro leaves, Castroism remains”: 3 reactions of Cuban dissidents to the change of command in the island's Communist Party

That the Castros no longer have formal power does not mean that Castroism has ended.

That is the conclusion reached by a large part of the Cuban dissidence after the consummate change of command this Monday in the ruling Communist Party, the only legal one in Cuba.

As expected, Raúl Castro , from 89 years and brother of Fidel Castro , left the position of secretary general of the party to Miguel Díaz-Canel , who already succeeded him as president of the country three years ago.

For the first time in six decades there will be no member of the Castro family in the leadership of power.

Castro praised Díaz-Canel, from 60 years, as guarantor of the continuity

And this is also seen in general by dissent, from which we selected three reactions.

Yoani Sánchez

The journalist runs one of the few digital media such critics in Cuba, 14 ymedio .

Sánchez and his team frequently denounce the violation of press freedom on the island. This Sunday they indicated that one of their journalists, Luz Escobar, had surveillance in front of her house and that they cut off her cell phone communication.

Yoani Sánchez
Yoani Sánchez wonders if Díaz-Canel will be able to have more freedom in the event that Raúl Castro dies (image of file).

Sánchez published an opinion article in 14 and media titled “Sale Castro, Castroism remains. ”

“… Castroism is more than a man and his clan. It is a way of managing politics, controlling the press, managing the economy from the military sector, defining study plans, managing international relations and structuring ideological propaganda, ”the dissident writes.

“Castroism has ended up establishing itself in a way of behaving. Hence, it does not matter if the surname that gives the name will no longer be in the minutes or documents. As long as the heirs to power do not dismantle such a legacy, it will be as if both brothers were still in command of the national ship, “he adds.

Sánchez, who also calls for a change in economic direction, especially in the current crisis, believes that the independence of Díaz-Canel will be measured when Raúl Castro dies, almost 90 years.

“Is Miguel Díaz-Canel willing to disarm that strict network of controls and absurdities in which Castroism has gripped a whole country? Do you want to transcend as a continuist who sank the island or as a reformist who prioritized the welfare of the people over the dark task of prolonging a dysfunctional regime? ”

“ As long as Raúl Castro breathes, it is unlikely that these questions can be answered and, by then, the situation may be even more catastrophic. ”

Movimiento San Isidro (MSI)

The MSI, created in 2018, groups young artists, independent journalists and academics who protest against what they consider to be repressive measures by the island government.

The group has been leading in recent months numerous protests with an irreverent and rebellious aesthetic that mixes art and political activism, which has led to numerous clashes with the authorities.

Maykel Osorbo
Maykel Osorbo escaped from the police with a wife in one hand.

In the last hours the MSI denounced the search and confiscation of works by the artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara , who disobeys the order to stay in house and demands the return of his paintings.

“This is like a kind of play to try to regenerate a tissue that is dead,” he says about the change of command in the Communist Party Anamely Ramos , member of the MSI.

“Contrary to what people think that the party exercises omnipresent power, I believe the opposite: only three or four people above whom we are not even sure who they are “, Ramos tells BBC Mundo by phone from Cuba.

” They are simulating change to empower a structure, but the power is in the repressive machinery under the security of the State and the police, ”she adds, concerned about the situation of Otero Alcántara and Maykel Osorbo , another artist who is under surveillance.

“It’s not going to change anything. If there is change, it will come from other people. I know they are in conflict with each other, but I don’t know where the hare is going to jump, ”says Ramos, who highlights the poor state of the Cuban economy, hit especially in the last year by the pandemic and the lack of tourism.

José Daniel Ferrer

Ferrer resides in Cuba and leads the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu) , one of the oldest dissident organizations on the island.

The dissident leader recovers after more than 20 days of hunger strike, a common form of protest against the government.

José Daniel Ferrer
José Daniel Ferrer (archive image) recovers from more than 20 days of hunger strike in protest.

Ferrer makes a parallel between Cuba and the Soviet Union, which was a great ally of the island until its collapse.

“Fidel and Raúl (Castro) are like him The first leaders of communism in the Soviet Union. Then many others came, but until (Mijail) Gorbachev arrived there was no spirit of reform ”, he tells BBC Mundo by phone from Cuba.

Ferrer believes that with Díaz-Canel“ they have assured the the two branches of the Castro family have a leading role in the nation’s decision-making. ”

“ Nothing has happened: the Castros are not formally present, but they continue to decide the course, ”says the dissident , who believes continuity with Díaz-Canel is assured even if Raúl Castro dies.

Ferrer assures that the Cuban people demand profound reforms and that a part will continue to express discontent as has happened in recent months .

“The people will be more energetic and will have less fear,” he predicts.

“They believe that submission has no solution and I believe that there they are going to be wrong, “says the opponent, who believes that Díaz-Canel should take” daring “measures in the face of the country’s serious economic situation.

In the Communist Party congress, however , no economic measures other than those already in force were advanced.

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