Sunday, September 22

Toni Costa: “Since I was 21 years old, 'Look Who Dances' has been part of my life”

With just 37 years, Toni Costa has lived a large part of his career, perhaps the most important on the track of ‘Mira Quien Baila All Stars’ , a reality show that he has been part of since he has 21 years when he was summoned by Potty Castillo for the version of his native country: Spain.

His same Friend and almost godfather brought him with this format to Univision and the United States … Already here he not only continued to grow professionally, but also found love on these tracks dancing with Adamari López. Today with a family that includes her famous 6-year-old daughter, Alaïa, and hours before the final, Toni talks about everything, the level of dance, the participants, what happened and her dream of being judge and mentor next year: “’Look Who Dances’” since I have 21 years are part of my life ”.

– This season has been a double challenge because you have had some participants who are not used to dancing or acting.

Toni Costa: As a mentor, the only thing I can do is try to give him that help , those tips so that they try to apply them at the dance, at each gala, but really hard work, hard they do it, apart from them having to do it every week, it is with the dancers and choreographers, they have to teach them the choreography, teach them to dance and in my case, based on my experience and the level of dance of so many years, I can help you to see if you can n keep evolving . When I arrive the first days to rehearsals and then I watch the show, well I realize that they have worked a lot throughout the week .

– We have seen you incorporate various things that you have studied in their personalities, in their work so that they let go, for example a Lindsay that you made her dive with soccer or a Yisus with the kitchen …

Toni Costa: ‘Mira Quien Baila’ is not a strict ballroom competition with techniques but this is a television show , in which it is not only acting that It is in each gala but also the rehearsals, there is content to create and I have had a great time , with Lindsay doing the soccer thing and with La Fight that has been I think that the most fun of the rehearsals because it gives a lot of play , nothing is saved, it says everything, it touches everything, it releases everything, for me it has been a discovery, we have connected tado very well…

– Each season is very different because people are different, how could you define this adventure of ‘Look Who Dances’?

Toni Costa: It is complicated because one thinks in this season and I am very clear about everything that has happened, but it is not that I remember much how the other seasons were … It was more or less the same because they arrive and arrive with the expectation of learning and being good students , of always listening to everything you say to them and the vast majority are young people, so we connect a lot, and then we have gone for a drink or we have met and then you want to or not, it is done as a family, as always happens in ‘Mira Quien Baila’, this year how unfortunate was it? That it was very short, it was only 6 weeks, so this year everyone, including myself, was left wanting more .

Toni Costa en 'Mira Quién Baila All Stars'
Toni Costa in ‘Look Who Baila All Stars’. Photo: Univision

– A Of the criticisms that this season has had out there is that the dance level was missing or that the dance level dropped, do you think the dance level dropped compared to the previous ones or not?

Toni Costa: Yes we have had very strong seasons leaving the bar super high and There are dances that will not be able to be overcome , there are styles of dances that, as they did, for example: a Daniel Leyva with the acrobatics or another acrobat or another gymnast arrives or not you will be able to overcome something like this … A flamenco like Amara La negra, or a Spanish gypsy will come to you or you will not be able to move your hands like she did and with the seasoning she had. There have been dances that have marked a lot and it is true that this season there have been good dances, but it is true that the other seasons between 3, 4 and 5 contestants had a much more level like there. This season I have seen a much more normal level and suddenly someone stands out, that is what has happened, so it is not true they have risked so much in terms of acrobatics, in terms of figures and others , but they have been giving a show, they have continued to give a good show, there has been a very good decoration, which they have fed like that show and the truth is that to me, it is not that I liked that there was no audience, because whenever there is an audience it fills you, but the fact of being in the VIP area, watching as live, almost close to the track, has been like a novelty that I liked a lot.

– It is not a secret that the public asks you to be a jury, why at this point is Toni not a jury of ‘Look Who Dances’? would you like?

Toni Costa: Well there There is like an inner conflict of mine, because on the one hand yes, I would love to be on the jury in ‘Look Who Dances’, it is not a decision that I have in my hand, but on the contrary, the production where I want to be located , is the place where they consider that I can give the best, because I will be there giving the best that I have. Yes it is true that as a mentor I have had a great time, but very well, I liked it a lot , because apart from that I am not limited to being only a mentor in the rehearsal in the week, but he also goes to the show to give another facet, which I have discovered that I like, which is as a co-presenter, but it gives me like that variety in myself You know about giving dance tips, about helping contestants during the week, and also then dressing up pretty on show days and being like a microphone in hand like doing those integrations … Do you know what it would be the perfect of the perfect? That he was a judge and a mentor at the same time , that would be perfect, let’s remember Potty, he did it. Let the production rethink it and tell me where I have to be in the next few years, if it has to be God willing, and I will be there giving my best .

Adamari López y Toni Costa bailan samba.
Adamari López and Toni Costa dance samba. Photo: Mezcalent

– ‘ Look Who Baila ‘has covered a lot in your life, in every way, what does this reality mean for you?

Toni Costa: ‘Look Who Dances’ since I have 21 years is part of my life, my family, my friends, my experiences, experiences, growth, it is everything, it is everything to me, it has been all professionally, because I have been in Spain for 8 seasons , on Spanish Television with Potty, after he brought me here and continue adding seasons, experiences, other paths, others open doors, others are closed … It has been a personal growth and everyone sees that I went from 21 years in my first ‘Look Who Dances’, to this day with 37, with a daughter who is 6 years old and with Adamarí López who I met on the reality show … It was all good Eno, it has been work, it has been growth and it has been satisfaction and happiness for my work.