Sunday, September 22

Tables of cheeses and sausages with a Latin touch

Next May, Yvonne Sandoval will celebrate the first anniversary with her business La Charcuterie Chica, where she sells delicious and eye-catching cheese boards and sausages with a lot of Latin flavor.

The young woman of Mexican origin was inspired by her roots to create some sandwiches that have enchanted users of social networks, where she already has close to 04, 00 0 followers, who fill their photos with hearts.

In these images, he boasts his most precious creations that range from traditional tables to some where he honors his culture and others in the form of numbers or letters accompany the celebrations of his clientele.

Striking colors, flowers and very Latin details make his work one that has become very popular and coveted in just a few months.

“I took inspiration from my culture, I made those cheese boards for my family and friends or to take to parties,They are inspired by my culture that is why they have many colors and many flowers ”, says the woman from 36 years.

His love for cheese boards was born on a trip he made to Spain, where tapas conquered his heart and years later they became an undertaking and his great passion, one that fills his life with joy.

“I am always amazed by the emotion of people when they see the tables, I see a lot of happiness and joy when someone sees the final product, at the beginning, that It was very emotional because I couldn’t believe that my work caused that ”, explains Yvonne.

The young woman has turned her business around and serves tables according to the season, personalized, individual and even small cones that can be used to be given as snacks or small gifts at parties, but its most popular products are those that honor its culture, such as the Day of the Dead or Fire table, where it only includes products. spicy and very Latin.

The designs also have of cheeses and sausages, a variety of fruits and flowers.
This was a table delivered in 2020, which was inspired by the Day of the Dead.

Discipline and success

This Mexican divides her days between her work as an office worker, her business and her family, but she confesses that the key to achieving a balance has been her love for what she does and staying organized.

“I hardly sleep anymore,” he says with a laugh. “I work very hard, but it is different when you do something that you are passionate about, I am very tired, I hardly sleep, but I love what I do, I enjoy it and it does not weigh me down.”

Yvonne se wake up daily at 5: the night before and from there he leaves to have a productive day and fulfill all his activities.

“The night before I make a list of what I have to do. Apart from my full-time job, I have my personal life, I have to take care of myself… That’s why every Sunday, I make a list for the week and that day I don’t work after two o’clock to share in the afternoon with my family and my boyfriend ”, assures the angelina. “I think being so organized and making my daily and weekly lists helps me a lot.”

Tables accommodate any occasion like this on Valentine’s Day.

Light in the middle of the pandemic

The Mexican says she is grateful to have been able to create a successful business in the midst of the pandemic, when things did not seem encouraging.

“When the pandemic began, my tables to my personal page and people asked me where I bought them. That inspired me to see if I could sell them, but I didn’t imagine that it would be what my business is today “, he recalls.

” One day I said: ‘I’m going to try to sell’ and created my page. I didn’t take it seriously, I thought no one was going to buy me, but maybe I could inspire others … From the first day I started they started ordering me. ”

The great reception of his work is due to the passion he has for what he does and how hard he works, thanks to the example that He gave him his family.

“My mother and my family have supported me a lot and the truth is that they cannot believe how my small business has grown in such a short time. They are very proud of me, I myself feel very proud, I come from a very hard-working family, my grandparents and my mother were very hard-working, so I think I went out to them ”, he assures.

The name of her store was chosen in honor of her 5 feet tall, since her family and friends call her “girl”.

“When I chose the name, I knew I wanted something in Spanish that represented my culture and also something that people could understand what I’m selling ”, explains the entrepreneur in reference to the mixture of the French word“ charcuterie ”, which means cold cuts, with Spanish.

In the future, Yvonne dreams of having a store where people can come to enjoy her cheese and cold cuts, relax and have a good time.

For more information about this business, which offers snack tables for birthdays and parties, you can visit its page at Instagram: @lacharcuteriechica

There are also individual treats for parties.