Monday, September 23

Gal Gadot wanted to do something about his fame after Wonder Woman; the result is “Impact”

Wonder Woman premieres a documentary series on National Geographic that tells the story of six extraordinary women who are having an impact on their lives. communities

Gal Gadot quería hacer algo con su fama tras Wonder Woman; el resultado es “Impact”
Gal Gadot produces and narrates Impact, which premieres on National Geographic on 26 of April.

Photo: Jason Bell, National Geographic / Courtesy

Rafael Cores

When Gal Gadot achieved worldwide fame thanks to her role in “ Wonder Woman “, she wondered what she could do profit from its popularity. The result is “Impact”, a documentary series of 6 short stories about six extraordinary women who are having a positive impact in their communities .

Impact premieres at National Geographic YouTube channel Monday 26 of April with the story of Kameryn Everett , an ice skater from 20 years from Detroit who coaches girls of color in a sport in the traditionally non have participated. In addition, it also helps them off the track.

Other women reflected in the documentary series is Arianna Font Martin , than her 20 years leads a group of young university students in San Juan, Puerto Rico, who invented a water filtration system powered by solar energy to achieve drinking water, a necessity for many inhabitants of the island after the passage of Hurricane María . His episode will premiere on 10 of May.

Anrianna Font Martín, al fondo, en una estación de filtrado de agua de río.
Anrianna Font Martín, in the background, at a river water filtering station. / Photo: Entertainment One

Gadot is the producer and narrator of “Impact”, but does not appear in the series.

“My husband and I were looking for a project like this. After the success of Wonder Woman, I wanted to do something with my fame without being the center of the story, ”the Israeli actress explained. “I’m not the hero of the story here” .

Each story is told in less than 15 minutes, a format that Gadot chose so that they can go “viral” and spread on social networks.

The project started before the coronavirus pandemic.

“I wanted to show the connectivity between humans around the world. Wherever you are, we all suffer from the same problems, ”says Gadot. “But then the Covid arrived and everything changed. It forced us to make the project more domestic. ”

Even so, in addition to the stories in Detroit and Puerto Rico already mentioned, “Impact” goes to Brazil to tell how Tuany Nascimento , 23 years old, she founded a dance company for girls in one of the most dangerous favelas in Rio de Janeiro.

The other three stories happen in California, Tennessee and Louisiana .

Un grupo de terapia de surf antes de entrar al agua. Un grupo de terapia de surf antes de entrar al agua.

A group of surf therapy before entering the Water. / Photo: Entertainment One

Kelsey Ellis is a surfer who lost her twin sister to COVID – 19 and now helps other women cope with the loss of loved ones through a Group “surf therapy”.

Kayla Gore

, a former homeless victim of violence, now helps homeless transgender women in Memphis. Is building 23 houses for this group that suffers from notorious discrimination.

Shirell Parfait-Dardar is the first female Head of a South Louisiana Indian tribe. Your community will be one of the first to become climate refugees in the United States. Parfait-Dardar is working to preserve the legacy of its ancestors and the future of its people.

“Small acts can have a great influence and generate change,” says Gadot . “We all want to do good, but we don’t know how to start” .

With “Impact”, Wonder Woman wants to give us examples of people who have given that first step.

Jefa Shirell Parfait-Dardar observa la erosión de las tierras de su tribu.
Chief Shirell Parfait-Dardar watches the erosion of her tribe’s lands. / Photo: Jordan Hefler, Entertainment One