Monday, September 9

This is how Luis Miguel faced the cancer of his manager Hugo López

The Argentine producer was not only the singer’s representative, but also became his confidant and friend

Así enfrentó Luis Miguel el cáncer de su mánager Hugo López
Luis Miguel and Hugo López.

Photo: Mezcalent

The second season of the biographical series of Luis Miguel promises to play more songs from the singer’s past that have never been revealed to the public, one of them is the death of his manager Hugo López , who helped him to become independent of his father, Luis Rey, and to consolidate himself as an adult artist.

The Argentine had 51 years when the victim of the colon cancer with which he lived for eight months. It was the year 1993 when López found out he was ill, according to an interview he gave to Teleshow Lucia Miranda, widow of the Argentine, did not tell anyone when she found out ; neither Televisa, nor his own mother, much less Luis Miguel, who at that time had 23 years.

El Sol found out about his manager’s illness until 14 days before his death . The Argentine’s widow recalled that Luis Miguel went to visit him at the hospital and when he finally found out what was happening to his friend, he began hitting walls. “How can this happen to me now with Hugo?” , Miranda recalled that the singer was saying very upset.

In the hospital bed, Hugo told the interpreter of his plans “Mexico on the skin”, who only saw him with tears in his eyes. “Now you are going to see everything we are going to do,” said the representative.

Finally López passed away on 30 November 1993 . Hugo’s funeral was attended by many people from the artistic environment and the manager’s widow remembers that Luis Miguel was devastated.

The relationship between Luis Miguel and his manager

When the artist cut ties with his father at the end of the decade of the 80, It was when López entered as his official representative. At that time the Argentine took charge of the artist’s career and helped him recover from the economic blow he had faced after being scammed by Luis Rey.

Over time he became a friend and confidant, even Lucia recalled that became a father figure because he also took care of him when he fell into excesses and scandals. It was thanks to the Argentine that the career of the interpreter of “La Inconditional” completely exploded; he was the one who convinced him to sing tickets and got him the important duet with Frank Sinatra .

Thus, fans hope to learn more about this relationship in the new season of Luis Miguel’s series. We will have to wait to see what other details are not known so far.

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