Sunday, October 6

He had his breakfast burrito packed with crystal meth; they intercepted the drug in Houston

Usually the burritos are full of eggs, some bacon, beans and a little cheese, but this burrito hid another thing

Traía su burrito de desayuno repleto con metanfetamina de cristal; interceptaron la droga en Houston
The package discovered.

Photo: TSA Houston / Courtesy

TEXAS – Houston Hobby Airport security officers discovered an ingredient that is not regularly found in a burrito of breakfast .

Burritos are usually full of eggs, some bacon, beans and a little cheese, but the huge burrito that caught the attention of one of the airport security officers had something very out of the ordinary.

The man who was carrying the giant burrito was arrested after the agent noticed something strange in his luggage while performing the rigorous review on the X-ray machine.

The agents told him They asked the man to open his suitcase to check the object, but at first the owner of the suitcase told them that it was a burrito and nothing else, that it was not necessary to open the suitcase.

The agents insisted and stressed to the passenger that the package seemed Too big for a burrito.

The man took out the burrito and agents asked him to unwrap it to examine it and put it through the X-ray machine again. On this occasion they noticed a large object inside the burrito and called the Houston Police, officers when reviewing the package determined that it was crystal methamphetamine.

The passenger was arrested at the scene, his identity has not been released.

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