Monday, September 16

Is dreaming of scorpions a bad omen? Discover its fearsome meaning

Scorpions have a negative connotation and in dreams their meaning is similar

¿Soñar con alacranes es un mal presagio? Descubre su temible significado
Scorpions awaken fear and in dreams too.


Dreaming of scorpions can be common if you saw any of them in the past, but when you present this dream for no apparent reason, it is because your subconscious alerts you that something is to come. These creatures regularly arouse fear by possessing threatening pincers and a stinger that appears ready to attack. Some species are so dangerous that if they do bite you, you should quickly go to the doctor for an antidote.

The meaning of scorpions in dreams is related to this fear because according to dream interpreters it is a bad omen . It is a danger sign and warns you to be alert. Probably some situation does not leave you calm, such as a relationship with another person, a friendship, a partner, a job or another fact that worries you, according to a review in an article Soñ

That being said, it doesn’t mean that an inevitable tragedy is coming your way, to prevent them from triggering a hazard . However and as in any other dream, the way you dreamed it is important for its interpretation .

Dreaming that a scorpion bites you

One of the main fears of seeing a scorpion is that it stings you since they say it is very painful. This pain in the dream represents your fear of being betrayed mainly in the love sphere . Of course it does not mean that your partner will cheat on you, its interpretation is related to the fact of not wanting to open your heart for fear of being broken. The message is that you trust yourself and your loved one to feel calm.

Dreaming of large scorpions

The size of the scorpion equals the problem you face. If you see a gigantic scorpion in your dreams, it is because in your life there are difficulties that you must face now . It is an alarm that goes on to warn you that if you do not solve your problems something serious could happen.

Dreaming of small scorpions

It means that there are rumors or gossip about you . There are probably people close to you, such as family, friends or coworkers, who are talking behind your back . However, this gossip is of little consequence and will not have any effect on your life.

Dreaming of many scorpions

When you dream that there are many scorpions around you it is because there is something that causes you concern . In this case, you must analyze what fact does not allow you to live fully and calmly. A darker interpretation is that it indicates the death of a pet, so if you have one, you should pay more attention to it.

Dreaming of scorpions in bed

Scorpions are synonymous with betrayal and the bed symbolizes the intimacy of a couple, so if you dream that they are in bed it is because you could suffer an infidelity . Perhaps your subconscious warns you that you are not close enough to your loved one or needs more attention.

Dreaming of black scorpions

It is one of the few dreams with scorpions that it has a positive connotation. It means that good things are about to come into your life , maybe a debt will finally be paid or money will arrive in some way. It will be a pleasant surprise for you.

Dreaming of yellow scorpions

Many people who have dreamed of scorpions remember that they look yellow which indicates a excessive concern about money . The yellow scorpion indicates that because of your desire to acquire wealth, you forget to enjoy the true pleasures of life such as family, friendship and rest.

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