Wednesday, November 6

Why is making a wish at 11:11 so powerful?

At 11: 11 it is believed that the universe opens a portal in which it receives our manifestations, ¿ because?

¿Por qué pedir un deseo a las 11:11 es muy poderoso?
Check the time at 11: 11 it has a spiritual meaning.

Photo: cottonbro / Pexels

One of the most common superstitions is make a wish if you look at the clock right at 11: 11 hours. Popular belief indicates that it works only and exclusively if you look at a watch by chance, be it the one on your mobile, computer, microwave or the one you wear on your wrist, and all the digits coincide with 1.

If you are one of the lucky ones in see the 11: 10 you have the time to subtract from that minute to make a wish , something like when you see a shooting star, a ladybug or a hummingbird , if you ask when they give the 11: 12 will not be valid.

Many people believe that this hour contains an extraordinary hidden power, but why is that hour so mystical?

They are There are several reasons that explain the positive energy that this hour radiates, the most important is found in the synchronicity of the universe, numerology and spirituality .

Synchronicity is a concept that the psychologist Carlo Jung coined to describe the connection between the universe and our life. According to this current, the reality of each one of us is synchronized with the cosmos, that is why when something occupies our thoughts and suddenly the answer comes through a song, numbers or any other means, it is not by luck, but by a coincidence of the universe . That is, some spiritual force sent us the answer.

This brings us to numerology. If synchronicity caused us to see the clock at 10: 11 we must understand the meaning of these figures . The 1 in numerology represents unity, independence, leadership, the beginning of everything, energy, strength and creativity. That said, it could be said that if you see that time on the clock indicates that you have in you the strength to achieve your goals or pursue new objectives.

Also, in numerology the 11 is a master number whose energy is related to sensitivity, mysticism, clairvoyance, inner richness, idealism, honesty and patience. And as in the hour 11: 11 is repeated all this spiritual vibration is enhanced by double .

And continuing with the spiritual current, the 11: 11 in angelic numerology has a meaning special. It is believed that during that hour an energy portal opens that provides the opportunity for manifestation. The angels are listening and through that portal they receive our messages.

It is also said to mean that you are in sync with the rest of the world, which is a reminder to be present and recognize that we are all connected in some way, according to YourTango.

For these reasons it is powerful to make a wish if you look at the clock at 11: 11 hours, so the next time you are lucky enough to witness that hour by chance, think about what you wish to receive from the universe.

It may interest you: What is the spiritual meaning of seeing the clock at 10: 10, according to numerology?