Friday, September 20

'Tuca' Ferretti answers the mentioned ones with irony: “My mother has already died”

The Tigres de ‘Tuca’ Ferretti continue to have a season to be forgotten. The feline team is located in the thirteenth position with barely 4 victories in 13 games played. This has caused some radical fans to have told them a series of insults and expletives.

The most recent occurred on Saturday in the match between Tigres and América. Faced with the insults, the strategist assured that it is not a centenary for everyone to like him.

normal that the mother tell me, that they shout things at me, that they ask me to put so and so when I have already made the changes, that they have a preference for a player and they are chin… and chin…. Besides, my mother has already died and the mentioned ones don’t affect me, ”said the ‘Tuca’ in relation to the insults he has received recently.

Also assured that regardless that enter 43 a thousand people to the stadium and Tigres were called the ‘team of the decade’ there will always be discussions with the people .

On the other hand and due to the bad results, the ‘Tuca’ was blunt in stating that the doors are open for any player who is dissatisfied in the club he left, while he dismissed rumors that Uruguayan striker Nicolás López commented on his intention to leave the team.