Saturday, September 21

Which zodiac signs get upset the fastest with others

If you meet an inflexible person, who does not tolerate jokes and gets angry easily, they may have one of the following signs

Qué signos del Zodiaco se molestan más rápido con los demás
There are signs that get angry easily.

Photo: Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

There are people who tend to explode very easily emotionally and do what they do colloquially it is known as “a storm in a glass of water.” If you don’t do what they say they get angry and take a pretty inflexible attitude. According to astrology, this rigid and complicated attitude is written in his zodiac sign .

When we are in front of any of them we do not know if they will be in the mood because they usually have their defense mechanism always on. Jokes are a bad idea and needless to say if you disagree with their opinions.

They create a scene to express their point of view, they think they have it all the time reason and arguments are part of their nature. Know which are the zodiac signs that get upset the fastest with others , according to a listing by Pinkvilla.


Although Aries is one of the signs that does not get angry so easily and has enviable self-control, when upset it becomes absolutely hysterical and there is no way to make him see reason. They will not stop until all the energy is exhausted and are even capable of acting in an extreme way.


The most emotional and sensitive sign of the Zodiac had to appear in this list. Cancer tends to take offense easily and when it does it explodes. Fight, argue, yell and play the victim. It is difficult to understand his reasoning when he is angry, but when the anger passes, things return to normal.


The sign ruled by the sun usually becomes quite aggressive when angry. In their nature is to attract attention, so if you do not agree with them they will scream until you hear them and accept what they are trying to tell you.


Scorio is intimidating and fierce. With the slightest wrong move they get annoyed and draw their powerful stinger to attack. They do not control their temper and even tend to become somewhat violent. They tend to lose their temper when they are betrayed or suspect that someone is conspiring against them.

It may interest you: What signs of the Zodiac tend to think things through a lot and don’t get over the “what if”