Friday, September 20

What are the jobs that pay you $ 60 an hour and why

The tasks that have to do with marketing and engineering allow those who exercise them to have an hourly wage with said figure, leaving aside other activities that are below this remuneration

Cuáles son los empleos que te pagan $60 dólares la hora y por qué
Maybe marketers benefit the most from this hourly pay figure nationwide.

Photo: Shutterstock

People who are part of the marketing, public relations and engineering sector are part of the niche of the population that can aspire to earn $ 60 dollars per hour .

This figure leaves out, by far, the federal minimum wage $ 7. 25 dollars per hour, at although in some states it reaches up to $ 15 dollars, making it clear that these professions are quite profitable .

According to the Department of Labor Statistics and its list of average hourly wages highlights jobs related to marketing and Engineering.

Based on this, there is an extensive list of occupations related to these professions that can give you at least $ 60 dollars per hour, representing annual earnings per $ 141, 890 dollars.

1.-Advertising and promotions managers $ 60. 34 dollars, representing an annual salary of $ 125, 890 dollars.

2.- Sales manager $ 60. 89 dollars per hour, the annual salary is $ 14, 690 dollars.

3. – Pharmaceutical business, no position specified, $ 61. 58 dollars per hour, $ 125 , 510 dollars annually.

4.-Sales, advertising, marketing and public relations managers $ 61, 96 dollars per hour, $ 143, 330 annual dollars.

5.- Financial managers $ 62. 45 dollars per hour, representing $ 144, 530 dollars per year.

6.-Marketing and sales managers average $ 62. 84 dollars per hour, per what a year they take $ 144 One thousand dollars .

7.-Marketing manager: $ 62. 79 dollars per hour, $ 149 one thousand 200 dollars per year.

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