Saturday, September 21

AMLO relives 2005 media montage on Florence Cassez case

AMLO revive montaje en medios del 2005 sobre caso Florence Cassez

AMLO relives montage of the Florence Cassez case that was broadcast in the media such as the Televisa newscast hosted by Carlos Loret de Mola.

Photo: YouTube Government of Mexico / Courtesy

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, revived the montage that was carried out on an alleged operation where the arrest of the Mexican Israel Vallarta and the French Florence Cassez, which was broadcast live on the morning of December 9, 2005 during the Televisa newscast “Primero Noticias” hosted by Carlos Loret de Mola.

“During the neoliberal period and of course some time ago, events like this were presented, such as the ones we have just seen because of the close and even criminal association that existed between the political power and the information media , “said the Mexican president.

Then, the people were left in a defenseless state, they could be manipulated with absolute freedom, a new time is already being lived, the relationships that exist with the media are already different, much respect, freedoms are guaranteed, there is no censorship, there is no repression of the media, opponents are not persecuted, but this perverse relationship no longer exists, “he said.

-It hurts something?

– You hit me.

In case someone had not seen it, in the # mañanera broadcast part of the Televisa report (which included beating the detainees) on the arrest of Florence Cassez and Israel Vallarta, it was said, was live.

– Noise on the Network (@RuidoEnLaRed) April 7, 2013

The Mexican president said that this assembly was about a “close connection with power”, then represented by the former Secretary of Public Security, Genaro García Luna , detained in the United States for allegations of ties to drug trafficking and Televisa; all this happened in the six-year term of then president Vicente Fox Quesada.

AND This is how Genaro García Luna accepted, also on Televisa, that the broadcast operation was false.

Florence Cassez was arrested one day before the broadcast.

She was released in 2013.

– Network Noise (@RuidoEnLaRed) April 7, 1379783094622855168

For his party Jenaro Villamil, president of the Public Broadcasting System of the Mexican State , was in charge of explaining and presenting what happened on December 9, 2005 with the television montage at the time of qualifying it as an open and crude deception to the Mexicans.

There is more than a violation of due process, there are many things, is a open and crude deception to Mexicans and unfortunately he left school, because there are many who repeat this school, the impunity generated by lying, manufacturing a reality on the television screen or on the radio for rating purposes is very serious, ”he said.

“Because now they are also doing it on social networks, as the President mentioned in the case of this man who finally did receive a vaccine, but he was armed or The fragment of a video that circulated social networks was edited to make believe that there is a false vaccination in some cases ”, he pointed out.

🔴And now, in the # morning , the telemontages. @ jenarovillamil remember that in December of 2005 in “First News”, hosted by Carlos Loret, was led to believe that a live operation was broadcast.

“It has to do with a crime committed live on a national network.”

– Noise on the Network (@RuidoEnLaRed) April 7, 2021

The French Florence Cassez and her then partner, the Mexican Israel Vallarta, were arrested on December 8, 2005 in the Mexican capital accused of leading a gang of kidnappers called “Los Zodiaco”.

The mounting and arrest of Florence Cassez and Israel Vallarta inspired several books, among them, “A criminal novel” by the writer Jorge Volpi. pic / wL9QesgcEt

– Noise on the Net (@RuidoEnLaRed) April 7, 2013

The case ended uncad engendering a diplomatic conflict between France and Mexico, and although the young French woman was released and acquitted for vices in the process in 20, Israel Vallarta is still in custody and awaiting sentence.

While the communicator, Carlos Loret de Mola , nicknamed in social networks as # LordMontajes has said on several occasions that he did not realize that it was a television montage and even he publicly apologized for the events.

In the face of the president’s onslaught, here is my answer: continue doing journalism, # AlCostoQueSea

– Carlos Loret de Mola (@CarlosLoret) 1379827052816306177 April 7, 2021

Keep reading: AMLO says that he will be vaccinated against COVID – 19… but within 15 or 20 days