Monday, September 23

X-ray of the Fernández dynasty

Radiografía de la dinastía Fernández

Alex Fernández, Vicente Fernández and Alejandro Fernández.

Photo: VALERIE MACON / AFP / Getty Images

Vicente Fernandez to your 895 years has not only managed to form a long artistic career, he has also created a large family that is full of artists like him. And if you ever wondered who are the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Don Chente , here is a detailed list.

The Fernández dynasty is one of those great and consolidated families of the artistic environment, and although not all of its members have chosen to follow in the footsteps of the patriarch in music, they have shown to be proud of their descendants.

one. Vicente Fernández and Doña Cuquita

The marriage boasts of having more than five decades together. Your love story dates back to when they were children in their native Guadalajara and although they had to spend a few years to form a relationship, now they are a solid couple with four children whom they love.

two. Vicente Fernández Jr.

The eldest son of Charro de Huentitán has 57 years and Like his famous father he ventured into music , although he did not have the same success as him. He is currently in a relationship with the young woman Mariana González and last January announced that will run as a candidate for deputy in the state from Jalisco, Mexico. Vicente Fernández Jr. has four children:

2.1. Vicente Jr.

The fourth “Vincent” of the dynasty e son of Vicente Fernández Jr. Unlike other members of his family, he has stayed away from the public eye and even keeps his private social networks , although his father does not stop showing off it every time they celebrate a special date. It is known that like his brother, he is a businessman and sells coffee.

2.2. Ramón Fernández

Entrepreneur and together with his brother they run the company Café Bro’s Co. based in Guadalajara, Jalisco. In his social networks, Ramón defines himself as an “artist and music lover” and has shown to have a close relationship with his father, since even came out to defend him on Twitter when Karina Ortegón accused him of having touched his daughter. Ramón has a son named Luca who was born in August of last year.

2.3. Sissi Fernández

One of the two daughters of Vicente Fernández Jr, Sissi has shown to have a very close relationship with her family and through her social networks she has shared photographs to the next to his “tata”, the affectionate nickname he gave Vicente Fernández. Like his brothers, he has stayed away from the media. He got married last year.

2.4. Fernanda Fernández

The fashion designer seems being estranged from her father because she does not share photos with her on social networks, nor does her father do it as with her brothers. She was the first to return Don Chente’s great-grandfather with the birth of his daughter Antonella , also has a second son named Emilio.

3. Alejandro Fernández

The foal followed in his father’s footsteps and became a renowned Mexican regional singer, although he has not had a career free from scandals . Currently has 49 years and like Don Chente he formed a great family. Alejandro Fernández has five children:

3.1. Alex Fernández

The Eldest son of Foaly inherited a taste for music and his 26 years is dedicated to promoting his artistic career. He studied management in Guadalajara and recently gave the news of his wedding .

3.2. América Fernández

America and Camila are twin sisters and they have 22 years. For its part, America has not shown a fondness for music, however it seems that his thing is fashion, because through his social networks he boasts his incredible style and model the best looks.

3.3. Camila Fernández

On the other hand is Camila, who recently welcomed his first daughter and celebrated his wedding on last year in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic which was highly criticized . She has also dabbled in music with several singles which are characterized by having a genre far removed from the Mexican regional, preferring to experiment with other styles.

3.4. Emiliano Fernández

The youngest of the Potrillo males , has 20 years and although he has stayed away from the media, on his social networks he has revealed a bit of his life full of trips abroad.

3.5. Valentina Fernández

With 18 years is the youngest of Alejandro Fernández’s children. The singer has shared moments with him on more than one occasion through his Instagram account.

4. Gerardo Fernández

There is a reason why the legendary ranch of Vicente Fernández is called “The three foals” and it is in honor of their children; Gerardo is the third of them and the most discreet. Far from the career chosen by his older brothers, he has preferred to lead his life as a businessman in discretion , allowing himself to be seen in special occasions with your family. In it 2011 tried to get involved in politics as a candidate for federal deputy of Jalisco . Although he shares the same tastes as his father for horses, he has shown no interest in singing.

5. Alejandra Fernández

Finally there is the only daughter of Don Chente and Doña Cuquita, who like her brother Gerardo has stayed away from the media. Alejandra was adopted when she was very young, as she is the daughter of a sister, Doña Cuca; the couple cared for her since she was a baby and later made her their daughter. Currently working in the design industry with its own brand called “ALLEZA”, which herself has driven with “designs inspired by the roots and traditions of Mexico”.

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The story of Vicente Fernández’s “no son”
Vicente Fernández and his miniature horse business

· With microbikini, Mariana González, Vicente Fernández Jr.’s girlfriend, shines in the water