Monday, September 23

What zodiac signs tend to think things over a lot and don't get over the “what if”

There are zodiac signs that obsess over their thoughts and the decisions they made in the past

Qué signos del Zodiaco tienden a pensar mucho las cosas y no superan el “qué pasaría si”
Know if your sign is one of those who think a lot about things.

Photo: Kev Costello / Unsplash

There are people who cannot stop thinking about something and become so obsessed that it generates anxiety. They read a text message dozens of times or imagine the various potential results of a decision they made . There are many factors that contribute to this trend, one of them is astrology.

Of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, there are 4 that stand out for being more likely to think things more than others . Sometimes it is good to analyze again and again when making a decision, but it is not good to become obsessed with the “what if …”.

This habit is the only thing that generates is the or reflecting too much on what could happen in the future.

In the birth chart, there are some signs that can reveal a mind hyperactive, for example, those who have some air sign in any of their houses, since in astrology this element makes them great thinkers.

Another feature is the ruling planet . Mercury is the one that governs thoughts, communication, information and logistics. Those who have the energy of Mercury very marked in their natal chart, could be prone to overthinking things.

That said, the following are the signs that most tend to think everything and do not exceed the “what if” , according to a Bustle listing.


It is the sign of the Zodiac that governs communication, it is ruled by Mercury and belongs to the air signs. They are easily lost in their thoughts and this is overwhelming for them. They must remember to let things flow and not stop at everyone’s opinions, so they can move forward. Virgo

They are ruled by Mercury, so they tend to analyze every detail of a situation. They have a reputation for being the most organized in the Zodiac, and their great attention to detail is part of what makes them prone to overthinking.


This air sign naturally seeks harmony and justice, when it comes to making a decision are victims of an endless cycle of thinking about the pros and cons. While looking at all sides of a situation can be helpful, it ends up being a hindrance if taken to the extreme.


He is a visionary and innovative thinker, that’s why he always comes up with ideas. But because he also belongs to the air element, it can be easy for him to get lost in a whirlwind of excessive thoughts. Aquarians have a tendency to focus a lot on what is to come, so it is important that they do not get caught up in a continuous cycle of future travel or obsessions with what could happen.

It may interest you: Find out how easily your sign adapts to changes

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