Wednesday, September 25

Rafael Amaya recounts what he has experienced with his addiction: 'I don't know how I'm alive'

Rafael Amaya relata lo que ha vivido con su adicción: ‘No sé cómo estoy vivo’

Rafael Amaya.

Photo: Mark Davis / Getty Images

Rafael Amaya has reappeared on social media after the scandalous video a few weeks ago where it was alleged he could be suffering from an episode of persecution delusion.

It was live through the Instagram account of his great friend the singer Roberto Tapia that the actor from the hit series of Telemundo The Lord of the Skies ” appeared on the screen for a session of questions and answers with their fans and tell how their process has been to overcome their addictions and excesses.

The users sent their questions to Amaya and One of the most outstanding has been if he has hit bottom, to which he immediately replied with a “ Yes, it can’t be done lower, I don’t know how I’m alive. I feel very happy, I am in total sobriety and doing a lot of exercise “, he expressed before the questions of his admirers.

The singer also took the opportunity to announce a tour in which he will share with his Compadre Tapia through the main cities of the United States, in a project that he hopes will bring him closer to his fans whom he has said he has very abandoned and promises to be more aware of social networks.

He even made mention of being still in contact with the producers of the series that led him to know the honeys of success, a comment that caused a stir among his fans because already They can’t wait to see him involved in a TV series again.