Monday, September 23

Donald Trump's employee says he never paid him $ 130 for hamburgers

A former bodyguard who worked for Donald Trump says the mogul never paid him $ 130 dollars for McDonald’s cheeseburgers

Empleado de Donald Trump dice que nunca le pagó $130 dólares de unas hamburguesas
Surely when you are reminded that you still owe the hamburgers, you will return to pay.

Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

We all have good and bad experiences from the people we have worked for, but for a tycoon to apply the classic “lend me and then I’ll pay you” without a doubt it is an experience to remember and share .

A former bodyguard of Donald Trump commented that The former president of the United States still owes you more than $ 130 dollars for McDonald’s cheeseburgers .

Kevin McKay, worked for Trump in Scotland for five years until 2012, and comments that he bought “20 Cheeseburgers and French Fries ”after a site visit Aberdeenshire where his Trump International golf course was later built.

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McKay assures that the former president of the United States He said he would pay him but he never did, “I thought he was a nice guy when I started working for him, but I guess, like we’ve all come to see, is not a man of his word “.

As a bodyguard McKay earned around $ 2, 700 dollars per month, and the day that Trump became indebted to him, asked him to stop at McDonald’s to order fast food for the flight back to New York .

He tells that they were in a convoy of six dark Range Rovers with some 15 men in suits inside and Trump had no UK currency to pay, so asked his then bodyguard to “lend him the cash “.

McKay nodded and asked for everyone 24 Cheeseburgers and French Fries and approximately some 10 or 15 Coca-Colas. ”

“I think Mr. Trump ordered two cheeseburgers with fries and a Diet Coke”, which was his usual order and he always wanted McDonald’s will take you to his private jet.

“It cost me about $ 131. 35 dollars in total and Mr. Trump told me: You will get it back ”, recalls McKay with nostalgia.

Was it an oversight by Trump or did he apply the classic “lend me and tomorrow I’ll pay you” ?

With information on Yahoo!

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