Saturday, September 28

Angélica Rivera reappears on social networks and fans assure that she is identical to her daughter Sofía Castro

The youngest daughter of “La Gaviota” and the producer, José Alberto “El Güero” Castro, published a snapshot in the that both looked more beautiful than ever

Angélica Rivera reaparece en redes sociales y fans aseguran que es idéntica a su hija Sofía Castro
BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA – JULY 29: Mauricio Macri, president of Argentina, (L) and first lady of Mexico Angelica Rivera smile during a reception for Enrique Pena Nieto, president of Mexico as part of an official visit to Argentina at Casa Rosada Museum on July 29 , 2020 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo by Daniel Jayo / LatinContent via Getty Images)

Photo: Daniel Jayo / Getty Images

Although a few months ago Sofía Castro caused a stir within social networks posing next to her Mom, time was Regina Castro who boasted the beauty of the former First Lady of Mexico, where Followers of the also actress assured that they are identical mother and daughter.

It was through the stories of her Instagram account, where the youngest daughter of Angélica Rivera and the producer, José Alberto “El Güero” Castro , published a snapshot in which she appears posing next to “La Gaviota” where both looked more beautiful than ever.

At least that is how their fans did see it, who took up the image in other accounts within the same network so cial and fell in love with her beauty.

This is not the first time that Regina shares a snapshot with her famous mother, since weeks before she revealed a series of more images in which he confessed how much he missed her.

As expected, the publication received a shower of compliments dedicated to mother and daughter, and n where her followers also assured that the actress is identical to her first-born:

In the last one it seems that you are with your sister Sofía and not with your mother “,“ Beautiful“, “So beautiful“, “ Pair of beauties “,“ They are perfect “, were just some texts that are read in the comments section.