Tuesday, September 24

After more than a month in the works, Kamala Harris will finally move into the vice-presidential mansion

Tras más de un mes en obras, Kamala Harris finalmente se mudará a la mansión vicepresidencial

Kamala Harris prepares the move to the vice-presidential house.

Photo: OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP / Getty Images

Kamala Harris , the first vice president in the history of the United States, had to postpone her move for more than a month to Naval Observatory , but from next week you will be able to live there.

The vice-presidential mansion underwent various restoration work after the departure of Mike Pence, which led Kamala to temporarily live in the Blair House , an event that filled her with frustration.

The news about his upcoming move was released by Symone Sanders, its spokesperson, who shared that in the course of the following days the Naval Observatory will receive its tenant for the next four years.

“The vice president and the second gentleman will be moving into the vice-presidential residence at the Naval Observatory next week. The move was initially delayed to allow for repairs to the house, which are easier to do when the house is vacant, ”Sanders shared via Twitter.

He then explained that the works included the restoration of various elements that were already very deteriorated.

“The repairs included the maintenance of the HVAC system, the replacement of the fireplace linings and restoration of some of the hardwood floors, ”continued Biden in his message.

The repairs included maintenance on the HVAC system, replacing the liners in the chimneys and refurbishing of some of the hardwood floors.

– Symone D. Sanders (@SymoneSanders 46) April 1, 2021

Fox News reported that the Go of movement at the Blair House, where moving trucks have already started to remove some things, but the exact day that Harris will already sleep in his new home has not yet been revealed.

What is the vice-presidential mansion like?

The Naval Observatory, built in 1893, was originally inhabited by the observatory superintendent, while in 1923 passed into the hands of the Chief of Naval Operations.

After 50 years, the United States Congress chose to restore it and make it a home fixed for vice presidents, being Walter Frederick Mondale , Jimmy Carter’s right-hand man, the first to inhabit it full time.

Since then all the vice presidents have passed by, being Dick Cheney the only one there has had to look for an alternative home due to the remodeling and security work carried out after the attacks of 11 September 2001. Kamala was the second.

The imposing residence is located on a plot of 12 acres and consists of three floors.

Inside it has a hall, living room, porch, dining room, main room, study, among other rooms.

With the passing of the years, the vice presidents have made some improvements to it, such as Dan Quayle , George HW Bush’s right-hand man, installed a swimming pool , a pool house and a gym.

Joe Biden, who lived there for eight years, is credited with hanging a plaque from one of the trees, which read the caption: “Joe loves Jill, Valentine 2012 ”.

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