Sunday, October 6

“I knelt down so that they would give me the body of my son,” says the father of the boy who died in a park in Xcaret

Doctor Miguel Luna , father of the child who died after being sucked by a filter without a lid in a park Xcaret , revealed that he had to kneel down to beg to be handed over the body of his son .

And as if that were not enough, they forced him to grant the pardon to the Xenses water park, operated by the Xcaret Group and they did not allow him to make his statement before the Public Ministry to initiate the complaint and that the investigations of what happened with his son be opened.

“I spoke with Deputy Prosecutor Villarreal, I don’t remember the name, and his condition was that he signed forgiveness ”, said to Milenio Televisión Dr. Miguel, father of Leonardo Luna , from 13 years , the minor who died last weekend from the serious injuries he had when he was sucked in part of the Xenses water park, operated by the Xcaret Group .

“I said yes, I sign it, but before I give a statement, but they told me no, that if I did not sign they would not give me my baby, I knelt before the lawyer and cried for them to give me my baby’s body ”, revealed doctor Luna with consternation.


Leonardo Luna Guerrero child of 13 years, died sucked into a filter of a slide in “Xenses” park # Xcaret ; father accuses negligence. # xcaretasesino # Xenses H

– We explain the trend (@explicamosTT) April 1, 2021

The minor’s father pointed out to the prosecution authorities of threatening him not to hand over the minor’s body if he did not sign the pardon, even warned that Leonardo’s body could pass 10 days or more in the morgue, until forgiveness is granted to the water park, located in the Mayan city of Xcaret , in the southern state of Quintana Roo .

Hours of anguish for the family of the minor who died in Xcaret

The father of the minor reported the hours d e anguish that he experienced after the tragedy and as if that were not enough, the authorities did not provide him with the corresponding support, on the contrary, they kept him waiting for hours to deliver the body of little Leonardo.

Dr. Luna accused that it was the negligence of the Xenses park, what cost him the life of his youngest son, of only 13 years.

He commented that they decided to take a vacation in the Riviera Maya, where Xcaret is located, to celebrate that the family survived the coronavirus .

Child of 13 years died in Xcaret park; father reports neglect and abuse of the park ekMfyrZo

– Millennium (@Milenio) April 1, 2021

The minor died in Xcaret park

In addition, he highlighted a series of irregularities and pressures that arose to provide medical attention to his young son, moments after the terrible accident suffered by Leonardo.

“We went with all the measures, we were doing well, we were going to celebrate that my children were brave to save themselves and it happened that we The park’s negligence killed my son, because it was negligence, they told me that that hole had been open since October, that they had not put a grid, there had been more previous incidents, but not fatal, that is why they had not done anything, “said the doctor Moon.

He assured that after what happened to his son, the managers of the Xenses park They did not call the police or the Public Ministry , in addition to the fact that the ambulance took too long to arrive, and when it did, the paramedics lacked the basic elements for an emergency, like oxygen, which is vital for cases like Leonardo’s.

Father gave first aid

Indicates that he gave first aid to his son , and it was he himself who had to rescue Leonardo, because the park managers did not absolutely nothing to support him.

“I went to rescue him and almost drowned, I was able to rescue him, bring him to the surface and everything the rest. Something dramatic, the 911 or the Public Ministry was never notified. ”

“That area should have been cordoned off due to the risk of other people who have been involved, so that the scene of the event would not have been manipulated and it did nothing of the sort, “he told Milenio Televisión .

The minor’s father also reported that the paramedics did not take the child to the nearest hospital, being that his case was life or death, in addition that the hospital did not have the necessary elements to care for his son.

They did not allow him to be transferred to Mexico City For this reason, he assures, he asked to attend him himself, since he is a cardiologist, but The team of doctors prevented him from doing so, as well as they denied the transfer of the minor to Mexico City .

“What happens is that it is a very limited hospital, I told them there was no specialist, I asked them to let me take care of my son, it was an emergency, but they didn’t let me act. What I did was speak to Mexico City, I got in touch with Dr. Héctor Carrillo and he was receiving me, just to transfer him I had to have the facility of the hospital, but he did not give me the go-ahead to take him. I felt like they didn’t want me to take him out of Quintana Roo ”, stated Miguel Luna, father of the minor.

“I’m not looking for money, just justice and it doesn’t happen again”

Leonardo’s father assures that at first he did not He planned to report it, because his wife asked him to do so, but he affirmed that it is necessary to raise his voice so that a case like that of his young son does not happen again.

He was blunt in saying that he is not looking for money, but all he wants is justice and that he falls the weight of justice against the person responsible for the death of his son.

Also, you want no other family will pass what they have lived through the negligence of the park of Xcaret .

The family will reach the last consequences

“I was not going to take legal action because my wife told me ‘I don’t want anything, because the rancor is bad’, but when I arrived with the body of My son stayed and I said ‘my love, sorry, but I have to do something, this cannot be this way, we have to do something so that the park has resources and that if there is someone who happens to him the same, save his life ‘”He said.

Dr. Luna also revealed that the Quintana Roo authorities have searched for him, but that he left everything in the hands of his lawyers and that they will reach the last consequences.

The unfortunate events occurred last Saturday 13 March, when Leonardo was at the attraction called Riolajante, and a day later the minor died.

The authorities of Quinta Roo have already closed the attraction, in Xcaret, but the other areas of the Xsenses park continue to operate.

Read also:

Dies child of 13 years in Xcaret after being sucked by a pool filter

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