Friday, September 20

Marcelo must cancel a fine of $ 3,180 dollars

Marcelo deberá cancelar una multa de $3.180 dólares

The regional government stated that this type of act with figures of public importance cannot be allowed.

Photo: Denis Doyle / Getty Images

This Thursday a sanction imposed by the Valencian Community on the Real Madrid footballer was announced, Marcelo Vieira . The Brazilian soccer player went to Valencia with his family to enjoy the weekend. The side uploaded a photo to his social networks in which the family is pictured on the beach of La Malvarrosa, without the use of a mask.

The Ministry of Justice of the Generalitat Valenciana , released a proposed sanction for the footballer for having skipped the perimeter closure of the Valencian Community. These measures prevent people from leaving and entering the region without justification. The fine would be around $ 3. 180 dollars.

In the first instance, the penalty is $ 706 dollars for each family member . On the way out was Marcelo, his wife and their two children. In addition to that, there is a penalty of $ 118 dollars more for not wearing a mask.