Thursday, September 19

Jerusalem begins on Holy Thursday with an early mass at the Holy Sepulcher

Due to the pandemic only 150 people, made up of Catholic religious and international residents, attended mass for the Holy Thursday in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Holy Land.

Jerusalén comienza el Jueves Santo con una misa temprana en el Santo Sepulcro
They perform mass to commemorate the Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday, in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

Photo: EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP / Getty Images


Jerusalem today began the liturgies of Holy Thursday with an early mass in the Holy Sepulcher, where the faithful could once again witness the rites of Holy Week, after All last year’s ceremonies were behind closed doors due to coronavirus restrictions.

Given the lack of foreign pilgrims due to the closure of borders to tourists, a small audience of a few 150 people made up of local faithful, religious from Catholic communities of the Holy Land and international residents in the region gathered in the basilica to attend the morning ceremony led by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Pierbattista Pizzaballa.

“I am happy to be here again for this important celebration. on ”and“ this significant day ”that“ begins the Easter Triduum, ”said the religious at the beginning of his homily, along with a large group of priests who accompanied him at Mass.

In the ceremony he also recovered the Washing of the Feet , a symbolic act that recreates Jesus washing his twelve disciples as a gesture of humility and equality, and that the year last was not carried out to avoid contact due to the risk of infection by COVID – 19 .

In others years, the Holy Sepulcher used to be crowded with pilgrims coming from all over, which was already patent for the first time in the Holy Week from last year, today’s feeling inside The sanctuary was relatively empty.

“The pilgrims are the symbol of the church on the way” and the fact that they are not “is a strong sign” and a shame , the Italian priest Giuseppe Sgambeterra, who participated in the mass, told EFE.

But the fact that this year Holy Week will be celebrated again “with open doors, with the Christians here, it reminds us that little by little everything will shine again with life “, he added optimistically.

Today’s day marks the beginning of the Easter Triduum -Thursday, Friday and Holy Saturday – . It will continue with the pilgrimage to the Cenacle at 17: 30 local time (12: 30 GMT), where tradition places the Last Supper, and which is recovered after being canceled last year.

At night, at 21: 00 local time (18: 00 GMT), there will be another mass at the Basilica of the Agony, where Jesus retired to pray and meditate before being handed over by Judas, according to the tradition. This event marks the Holy Hour and the vigil of the Crucifixion of Jesus.

The events of Holy Week take place between the Old City of Jerusalem and its surroundings, in the eastern part of the city occupied by Israel, who carried out a rapid vaccination that led to a reopening and a return to a certain normality.

Keep reading: Easter: why the dates change every year? (and how are Christian and Jewish Passovers different?