Sunday, October 6

How to know if your partner is faithful through the love line hand in hand

Hand lines can reveal a lot about the past, present and future of a person’s love life

Cómo saber si tu pareja es fiel a través de la línea del amor de la mano
The love line is located below the thumb.

Photo: Pexels

Reading the palm of the hand to find out the character, personality and future of a person is known as palmistry. This divinatory art analyzes the characteristics of the hands to reveal some of the secrets of our destiny, for example, how faithful we could be in love .

When you are in a relationship one of the things that might intrigue you is knowing if your partner feels the same and if in the future he will only have eyes for you. The easiest way to reveal such a disturbing thing is to ask him directly if they are on the same channel, however, finding out how faithful he is could be more complex. If you don’t know her love history, something that can shed light on you is to analyze her love line .

Although reading the hand is somewhat complex because there are many elements to take into account, there are basic things that can help you discover the secrets of a person.

The first thing you should know is which hand to read, right or left? The palmists say that if you want to know the fate of In this person, the non-dominant hand must be analyzed, since here the attitudes of the unconscious are more clearly reflected, while the conscious is reflected in the dominant hand. In short, the dominant hand reflects the present and the other the past and the future, as explained in Cosmopolitan.

Once you identify his dominant hand you should look at the mount of Venus, which is located at the root of the thumb and you will notice it because it is delimited by the life line, which begins between the thumb and the index finger, and can extend up to the wrist.

The mount of Venus is related to the sexual organs, among other things. If you notice that he has a flat mount it means that he is not impulsive in love and channels his emotions first with his head.

If the mount of Venus is pronounced (you can pinch it easily) indicates that you have abundant sexual and physical energy.

love reveals how faithful he could be

To know how faithful he could be, you have to analyze his love line . This is located parallel to the base of the fingers excluding the thumb and represents affections, joys and emotions.

If it is long and notes that it is not short it indicates fidelity and loyalty, if it is also very marked and deep, it indicates luck in love. But if it is discontinuous, it means a complex love life, therefore, a greater probability of being unfaithful.

It should be noted that palmistry is a divinatory practice and is not an established law. If you see that your partner has the traits of infidelity in the palm of his hand, there should be no panic.

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