Friday, September 20

Find out how common your zodiac sign is among the population of the United States

An interesting ranking revealed the percentage of popularity of the signs among the United States population

Descubre qué tan común es tu signo del Zodiaco entre la población de Estados Unidos
There are signs that are more common than others in the population.

Photo: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

One of the most frequently asked questions in astrology is to know how common is your zodiac sign . While each of us has a unique personality and we like the idea of ​​being unique, there are millions of people out there who share our characteristics , as there is only 12 signs in the horoscope.

An interesting ranking published in Astrofame revealed the popularity percentage of the zodiac signs in the United States . The list was based on the number of people who know people belonging to each of the signs, which gives us an idea from the most common to the least common sign. The result was as follows:

one. Scorpio

Scorpio is the most common sign in the United States, obtaining a percentage of 9.6%. This means that there are many enigmatic and mysterious people out there.

two. Virgo

Virgo ranks second with a 9 , 4%, very close to Scorpio. This sign is reassuring, intelligent, and highly critical. Now you know why there are so many people like that around us.

3. Gemini

Gemini gets into the top three places by obtaining 9.3%. They are characterized by being fun, entertaining and are the life of the party.

4. Pisces

In fourth place is Pisces with the 9.1%. The personality of this sign is contagious, as they daydream and their creativity always makes everyone laugh.

5. Pound

The fifth position is governed by pound with 8.8%. Those of this sign are characterized by being very sociable and great conversationalists.

6. Cancer

In sixth place is Cancer with the 8.5% and with this sign the group of the most common of the zodiac ends. Cancer is sensitive, sincere and prioritizes family above all else.

7. Taurus

With 8.3% Taurus ranks seventh. They are distinguished by being loving and loyal, but very stubborn.

8. Capricorn

The eighth place is occupied by Capricorn with the 8.2%. They are distinguished by being intellectual and hard-working.

9. Aries

The ninth box is ruled by Aries with 8.1%. It is not a sign that is used to being in these places, because being the first zodiac sign it likes to be at the head of everything.

10. Sagittarius

This sign is located in the last third with 7.3%. He has the reputation of being lazy to work, but very active to travel.

10. Leo

Leo is in the penultimate place with 7.1%. This sign likes to attract attention and be unique, therefore, it does not clash in the ranking of less common signs.

12. Aquarius

The Less common sign among the population of the United States is Aquarius with 6.3%. They are lovers of life, but they hate commitments. You can distinguish them because they are very eccentric people, so this position fits them like a glove.

It may interest you: What is the most positive aspect of your zodiac sign