Thursday, September 19

Easter: why do the dates change every year? (And how are Christian and Jewish Passovers different?

There is a very important religious holiday for both Christians and Jews: Passover.

Every year, the faithful of both religions meet to commemorate and remember different events that marked events in the history of each of their religions.

What does the word Passover mean?

The word Passover appears in Latin as “pascha”, in Greek π “σχα “páscha” and in Hebrew (pesáh) Pesach in Spanish, says the Royal Spanish Academy.

And Easter basically means “step” or “jump”.

The Jewish Passover

Fieles rezan frente al Muro de los Lamentos
The Wailing Wall is a key site for Jews during Passover.

In ancient times, Easter was a feast of shepherds in The one in which a lamb was sacrificed as an offering to ask for fertility.

They celebrated the passage from winter to spring, and they did so after the first full moon of the spring season (in the northern hemisphere) .

Then it became a celebration of the liberation of the Jewish people from the slavery of Egypt .

And today, Jews commemorate Passover (Pesach) as one of their main holidays in which remember the step that the Hebrew people took together with Moses through the Red Sea.

They celebrate a family dinner called Seder (order in Spanish) full of symbolism as well as prayers.

Christian Easter

The representations of the Calvary of Christ carrying the cross are repeated in various parts of the planet. This recreation is of Holy Thursday in Medellín, Colombia.

For Christians, Easter is also the most important holiday of the year since it celebrates the passage of Jesus from death to life.

Easter It is the celebration in which Christians believe that Jesus rose again on Sunday after dying on the cross on Friday.

Although there is no strict tradition about food, Christian families usually meet on the Sunday and participate in Mass to commemorate that Jesus rose to save the people.

How does Easter coincide Jewish with Christian?

There is a historical and religious relationship between Jewish and Christian Passover.

Christ died on the first day of the Jewish holiday that celebrates God’s deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery Itud of Egypt, explains the Catholic Information Agency Aciprensa.

“The death of Jesus complies with the ancient Hebrew law regarding the Paschal lamb that the Jews eat the night before 15 of Nisan (the first month of the Biblical Hebrew calendar, which begins with the commemoration of the Jews’ exit from slavery in Egypt) ”, he adds.

Cena Séder.
Dinner during Passover is key in the celebration of the Jews.

Christ dies on the same day of Passover in which they are killed the lambs.

In both cases there is a sacrifice and a liberation.

¿ Why do the dates of Holy Week change every year ?

Easter dates change every year for Jews and for Christians.

Both holidays are governed by different calendars, but are marked by astronomical events.

Jews eat the Paschal lamb on the eve of 17 of Nisan.

Jesus celebrated the Last Supper during the Jewish Passover, that is, the 14 of Nisan, died on the cross on 15 of Nisan and rose again the following Sunday, e l 17 of Nisan.

But it is very difficult to pass an ancient festival from the Jewish calendar to the Christian one, says Aciprensa.

The Jews have a lunar calendar of 354 days and the Christians one solar of 549. Fieles rezan frente al Muro de los Lamentos Hombre lleva corona de espinas.

A man in Mexico represents Jesus with the crown of thorns in Mexico City

In The Roman Empire then decreed that Passover would be a Sunday because it is believed that Jesus rose from the dead on that day of week.

That is why it was decided to celebrate Easter on the first Sunday after the first full moon, after the arrival of spring in the northern hemisphere.

However It should be noted that not all Christians celebrate Easter on the same day. The Orthodox, for example, celebrate Easter on another date because they follow the Julian calendar.

The date to celebrate Passover for both Christians and Jews varies between the end of March and the end of April each year.

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