Saturday, September 21

Biden's new economic plan that is divided into four axes

The president seeks to ensure that the reconstruction of the country reaches all communities

El nuevo plan económico de Biden que se divide en cuatro ejes
President Biden will give details of his economic plan and infrastructure.

Photo: Doug Mills-Pool / Getty Images

President Joe Biden will launch today his new economic plan that is divided into four axes: housing and services, infrastructure, care for the most vulnerable and development for new generations.

The multi-year project seeks to reactivate the economy and, according to the Biden Administration, will help EE .US. To compete with countries like China.

“The first (part) is how we move: investments in our roads, bridges, railways and other elements of our transport infrastructure ” , points out the plan in advance for this medium. “The second is how we live at home: investments in broadband, water, energy, housing and buildings” .

A senior White House official said the project would create millions of jobs “Well paid” with an approach to fight against the Climate change.

“(There will also be) investments in home and community care for older relatives and people with disabilities ”, was indicated. “(In addition to) investments in next-generation manufacturing, research and development, high-quality workforce development, and critical supply chains.”

Republicans on board?

The investment of around $ 2 trillion, estimated in the next eight years, depends on approval in Congress, where a battle with the Republicans is expected.

The White House adviser stated that President Biden “would work with Congress.” He ruled out that it was an executive order .

“The Rescue Plan was with the intention of delivering relief, saving businesses, ensuring vaccination … This is a different approach, a multi-year investment ”, he explained.

He added that the president is “aware” that there are other ideas, but that it is part of the negotiation process that is expected with Republicans.

“This is important for the people and the communities… (The president) recognizes that the people (congressmen) have other ideas… but the important thing is to deliver the Americans a plan ”, he cut short.

Special eye on infrastructure

President Biden intends to invest $ 620, 000 one thousand lones in the transport infrastructure, in order to modernize , 03 miles of highways, roads and main streets.

The ten most economically important bridges would also be repaired, as well as the worst 10, 000 small bridges that would help better connect communities.

The White House official was emphatic that this project “ it’s not just infrastructure ”, since implementation is tied with the creation of well-paying jobs .

A key element will be mobility by “doubling federal funds for public transportation”; boost the production of electric vehicles by building a network of , 03 electric vehicle chargers, in order to replace , 03 diesel transit vehicles.

“(This) will make our infrastructure more resistant to climate change, in addition to allocating the 40 percent of climate benefits and clean infrastructure investments to communities underprivileged, ”says the plan.