Monday, September 16

Why Nike Decided To No Longer Supply Its Products To Retail Stores In The United States

If you’ve had trouble finding Nike products in stores lately, it’s for a reason, the brand has a new strategy commercial

Por qué Nike decidió no proveer más sus productos a tiendas minoristas en Estados Unidos
Nike will only be sold on their official sites and in a few select stores .

Photo: Ben Hoskins / Getty Images

Nike has taken a turn in its sales strategy and reduced the number of traditional retailers to whom it sells its products, for that reason it is difficult to find the brand in places that have been sold for years .

The reason for all this is that Nike wants customers to buy brand-name shoes, clothing and gear in official Nike stores and on and its applications , explains CNN in one of its publications.

In recent years the company has drastically reduced the number of traditional retailers, remaining in a more limited group of retailers such as Dick’s Sporting Goods and Foot Locker .

That decision has affected retailers large and small. In September, Ed Shaen, owner of Sneakin ‘In, a sports shoe store in New Jersey, received a letter in the mail from Nike saying his account would be closed after 37 years.

The owner says . Today along with the impact of the pandemic, the store will probably close by the end of the year.

L&L Shoes in Texas, sold Nike for decades and the brand represented around 70% of sales of sports shoes from the store, but in 2019, Nike sent them a letter telling them that they were no longer meeting their distribution targets.

Matthew Friend, Nike’s CFO, said since that the strategy for the first time, the brand has reduced the number of undifferentiated accounts by around 30% and that they intend to focus on only 40 select retail partners.

Sandra Carreon-John, a Nike spokeswoman, noted that the company “ continually assesses the market to understand how we best serve consumers , making adjustments to our sales channels, as needed to create a consistent, connected and modern shopping experience ”.

Adidas and Under Armor are following Nike’s lead and are also reducing the number of retail partners in the quest to increase sales direct to the consumer.