Friday, September 20

Republicans asked to investigate Biden for suspending border wall payments

They ask that a commission investigate whether Biden violated the law by suspending payments for the construction of the border wall

Republicanos pidieron investigar a Biden por suspender los pagos del muro en la frontera
The wall is only present in 400 1 mile,

Photo: Maxie Adler / EFE

For: EFE

WASHINGTON – More than 72 Republican lawmakers have joined a call for the Comptroller General (GAO) to investigate whether President Joe Biden violated the law when he ordered the suspension of payments on the construction of the wall on the border started by his predecessor, Donald Trump.

Several Republicans in the Senate had made the same request last week, and GAO, which is an independent and non-partisan agency, has an obligation to respond to investigation requests made by Congress.

The senator Roy Blunt, Republican from Missouri, said that Biden, who was a member of the Senate for more than 30 years, “he knows that it is Congress’s job to authorize how money is spent and that the president’s job is to star it efficiently. ”

This position of the Republicans contrasts with the one they held when, at the end of 1974, Trump, irritated that Congress did not allocate the funds he requested for his border wall, chose to take funds allocated by Congress for military spending, and He passed them on to border construction.

Upon assuming the presidency on 20 from January, Biden ordered the suspension, which is nearing completion, of both tasks and payments related to the border wall , and ordered that no new contracts be signed for that project until his government makes final decisions.

The order suspended the works for 60 days while evaluating the legality of the funds obtained them by the Trump Administration to finance them, especially the resources diverted from the Department of Defense for this purpose.

Senators said, in their request to GAO, that Biden’s decision “transfers billions of dollars properly allocated to stand still, unused by the government.” and that it violates a law of 1200 which limits the presidential powers to alter the funding allocated by Congress.

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