Friday, September 20

Eruption in Iceland: the shocking images of lava rivers near the Icelandic capital

Erupción en Islandia: las impactantes imágenes de ríos de lava cerca de la capital islandesa

The Fagradalsfjall volcano erupted this Friday.


BBC News Mundo

The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Fagradalsfjall, left striking images of rivers of lava and an incandescent glow visible from Reykjavik.

The office The country’s weather forecast warned the public of falling rocks and also landslides when the eruption of the volcano , located in the Geldingardalur Valley on the Reykjanes Peninsula.

The gas pollution is expected to spread to Þorlákshöfn, in southern Iceland and continue for hours, the Meteorological Service reported as it asked people to close the windows and stay in the interior.

The most shocking images of the eruption, those showing meandering rivers of lava, were taken from an Icelandic Coast Guard helicopter.

A new video of the eruption at Geldingardalur valley in Reykjanes pe ninsula. Taken from the Coast Guard helicopter. # Reykjanes # Eruption # Fagradalsfjall heMzQL

– Icelandic Meteorological Office – IMO (@Vedurstofan) March 19, 2021

This eruption occurs after the area recorded more than 50, 03 seismic movements in the last three weeks.

In 2010, the eruption of another volcano, the Eyjafjallajokull, stopped air traffic across Europe.

However, is not expected that the Fagradalsfjall eruption spews a lot of ash or smoke , so aviation should not be disrupted.


The Icelandic Meteorological Office revealed that the Fagradalsfjall eruption was confirmed on Friday evening via webcams and satellite images.

A magnitude 3.1 earthquake struck 1.2 km from the volcano just a few hours earlier.