Friday, September 20

Andrés Fassi says goodbye to Pachuca and leaves Mexico

The vice president of the Pachuca Soccer Club, Andrés Fassi announced his retirement from the club in order to dedicate himself to new projects in Europe and South America.

Argentina, Uruguay and Spain will be the next destinations of whoever was once a coach and physical trainer of the team to which he says goodbye.

“I am a person who has lived in Mexico for 30 years. That I am leaving Grupo Pachuca. That I am leaving my relationship in the day-to-day work. It hurts my soul because it is like leaving a child. I leave it for Talleres, for personal projects in Uruguay and Spain. That is why I am leaving Mexico, with four Mexican children ”, assured Fassi.

Although he leaves the vice-presidency of the club, he is still linked to the club, because he continues to appear as a shareholder , as stated by ESPN Digital.

Fassi joined Pachuca in the years 90 and since then has been directly involved in the implementation of new techniques and policies that encouraged the success of the club.