Thursday, September 19

Who are the mothers of Andrés García's children?

Throughout his life, the actor had several loves, but not all of them created a family, he meets the moms of their children

¿Quiénes son las mamás de los hijos de Andrés García?
Andrés García.

Photo: Mezcalent

It is no secret that Andrés García maintains a very tense relationship with his three children, since has come to say that will not inherit them . The truth is that time was responsible for the links between them to wear out. Today we tell you who were the women in the actor’s life, who became the mother of his children.

1. Sandra Vale

The actor got married in 1974 with Vale, with whom she had her two children: Andrés Jr and Leonardo . The oldest decided to follow in the footsteps of his father in the artistic world while his brother preferred to maintain a more discreet life.

The one born in the United States was the first wife of the valued soap opera actor. Their love happened extremely quickly because they met in Acapulco and after seven days they got married. Despite the great love they expressed, they divorced seven years later but currently it seems that they are on good terms because even the actor included it in his will .

two. Fernanda Ampudia

In 1974 the actor remarried. From this relationship was born Andrea García who also worked in the entertainment industry. As with her father, Andrea does not have a good relationship with her mother, who was diagnosed with cancer last year and so she tried to reach out to her loved ones.

3. His other wives

While the actor only had children with the two of them, he was married more times. After his marriage to Ampudia, he married in 1980 with Sonia Infante who was divorced 12 years later. Sonia passed away on 16 July of the year 2020 to the 75 years, she was the niece of Pedro Infante.

In the 2000 got married with Margarita Portillo of whom got divorced 20 years later. The actor said that although they ended well, the separation had already been assured for years.

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