Saturday, July 6

With a spectacular mural, Los Angeles pays tribute to Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol

Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol already have their place in the streets of downtown Los Angeles, where a new mural recalls their triumphs with the Lakers

Con un espectacular mural, Los Ángeles le rinde homenaje aKobe Bryant y Pau Gasol
Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol, Lakers legends

Photo: EFE

For: EFE

The unique link between Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol already has its place in the streets of downtown Los Angeles , where a new mural recalls their triumphs with the Lakers and also everything they shared as “brothers” on and off the court.

This is how those responsible for wanted to represent them in their work Ground Floor Murals , which about ten days ago presented this black and white graffiti on Gasol and Bryant at the intersection of Hill Street and Venice Boulevard , fifteen minutes walk from the Staples Center where they both had glory nights with the Lakers.

“Of course, they have the legacy of how they played together, but we thought it would be nice to introduce you hugging each other , really loving each other, ”said Paul Jiménez, the artist behind Ground Floor Murals with his partner Signe Ditona.

The couple is part of a project of several murals about the late Kobe Bryant In the city center

” He wanted our mural to be about Kobe’s family in the world of basketball . So at the moment we thought that Pau Gasol would be great ”, said Jiménez.

Gaso himself l, who since the tragedy of the year The past has embodied the memory of Bryant like very few, shared a photograph of the mural on his Twitter account , in which he has more than 7 million followers and in which this publication reached 1, 400 retweets and 20, 800 “I like it”.

🙏🏼 26

– Pau Gasol (@paugasol) February 19, 2021

This new mural joins the hundreds of street plays that have paid tribute to Bryant in recent months and that they have helped Los Angeles channel its mourning and sadness over the death of one of its greatest sports legends.

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