Tuesday, September 24

Trump will reappear in public to discuss the future of his party and Biden

Trump reaparecerá en público para hablar del futuro de su partido y de Biden

Former United States President Donald Trump.

Photo: Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images

For: EFE

MIAMI – Former President Donald Trump will speak Sunday 28 February at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) to be held in Orlando, Florida, to talk about the “future of the Republican Party and the conservative movement.”

A source familiar with the matter confirmed to the CNN channel what will be the first intervention of Trump before a large audience, since the 20 January ceased to be president of the United States.

Other unidentified sources also confirmed it to other US media.

The CNN source said that Trump will also speak to the CPAC about “amnesty and disastrous border policy” of the President Joseph Biden .

This week Trump, what after After leaving the White House, he settled in his private club Mar-a-Lago, in southeastern Florida, gave his first interview as a former president to the Fox News channel and reiterated that he does not recognize Biden’s victory.

The interview took place after he was acquitted of charges of instigation for the assault on the Capitol last January 6, during his second impeachment trial .

That day his supporters, who had previously attended a rally in which Trump told them to “fight as demons ”to protest against the electoral result, they managed to enter the Congress in Washington and carried out acts of violence and vandalism.

Five people died in the incidents and have been arrested dozens of people for their participation in the events.